#####This is a fork with new language packs and different things for different needs
npm i ion-datepicker --save
import { DatePickerModule } from 'ion-datepicker';
imports: [
<span ion-datepicker [(value)]="localDate" [min]="localDate" clear class="ScheduleDate">
<span>{{localDate | date}} <ion-icon name="clipboard" item-left ></ion-icon> </span>
import { DatePickerDirective } from 'ion-datepicker';
@ViewChild(DatePickerDirective) private datepickerDirective:DatePickerDirective;
public closeDatepicker(){
- defines the initial value, can be two bindable as in [(value)].
- minimum date that user is allowed to select. (not required)
- maximum date that user is allowed to select. (not required)
- An array of dates that should be disabled (not required)
- A boolean that determines whether to show calendar or not. Defaults to true.
- An array of dates that should be marked with background color (not required)
- an event emitter that returns the date as a $event.
- an event that is raised when the cancel button is activated. Returns no data.
- an event that is raised when a date is selected
- a bridge to the header classes of the directive using ngClass (string, array or object) (not required)
- a bridge to the date classes of the directive using ngClass (string, array or object) (not required)
- a modal is used to display the picker to configure the animation or other options you may use this
- for translating the calendar. Avaliable local is en-US, en-UK, he-IL, pt-BR, ru-RU, de, fi, fr-FR, zh-TW, zh-CN, ja-JP. Please note en-US locale starts the calendar with monday and en-UK starts it with sunday
- if you dont want to use the built translations - accepts an object { weekdays: string[], months: string[], monday:boolean },
For example:
{ monday:true, weekdays: ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'], months: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] },
- text for the ok button
- text for the cancel button