Veriff Library IOS Latest Version v4.42.0 Bindings For Xamarin IOS Dll Files Are given in repository.
You can use any Veriff function in your xamarin ios porject by referencing the dll file in your project.
Please Note:
For Running Xamarin IOS Project on Your Simulator You Have To Reference "VeriffIOSLibrary.dll" in Your Project.
For Running Xamarin IOS Project on Your Physical Device You Have To Reference "VeriffReleaseLibraryIOS.dll" in Your Project.
You Can use below provided documentation in order to consume Veriff Functions.
Official Documentation Link For Integrating Veriff In Your IOS Project:
Add usage descriptions to application Info.plist
Not adding these usage descriptions causes system to kill application when it requests the permissions when needed.
Veriff iOS SDK requires Following Permissions:
Add required steps for NFC scanning
The application needs to define the list of application IDs or AIDs it can connect to, in the Info.plist file. The AID is a way of uniquely identifying an application on a ISO 7816 tag, which is usually defined by a standard. A0000002471001 A0000002472001 00000000000000
Add a new entitlement for NFC scanning, available since iOS 13. This new entitlement is added automatically by Xcode when enabling the Near Field Communication Tag Reading capability in the target Signing & Capabilities. After enabling the capability the *.entitlements file needs to contain the TAG format: NDEF TAG
Veriff IOS SDK DLL Bindings
veriff integration