NodeMonitor is a more modern version of ServerMonitor
NOTE: the scripts are written in such a way to work in my version of Fakeplex. These scripts may not work for the original files. Of course you can edit all the code/scripts to work with your JAR file.
By running the app, and not having BungeeCord on first, will give you this error:
So make sure BungeeCord is on before running NodeMonitor.
Don't ever just close the app with Ctrl + C! Always execute the "exit" command. This will close all servers one by one and then closes the app.
- "add <group>" - Add a new server with given group.
Note: You can only add groups that are also in Redis, otherwise:
- "remove <group>" - Remove a server from the network.
- "fetch <server>" - Retrieve basic information of a server.
- "list <all/group>" - List all or a given group of servers.
- @randomdevlol - Made all the Shell scripts.
Note: the Shell scripts are a bit modified to work with Fakeplex, but you can use the original scripts too.