- Setup Raspberry Pi following the official tutorial.
- Assemble the ReSpeaker 6-Mic Array and install it on the Pi.
- Install Device Driver and other libraries.
- Setup Python virtual environment and packages such as PyAudio and Numpy.
- Install AWS Core SDK on the core, and device SDK on the device.
- Set up the core and two devices following the official tutorial.
SELECT VALUE state.reported.alert FROM '$aws/things/<Device Name>/shadow/update/accepted' WHERE state.reported.gunshot = 'yes'
- Official Raspberry Pi Setup Instruction https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/raspberry-pi-setting-up
- Official ReSpeaker Wiki for the 6-Mic circular array http://wiki.seeedstudio.com/ReSpeaker_6-Mic_Circular_Array_kit_for_Raspberry_Pi/
- AWS IoT Greengrass tutorial https://docs.aws.amazon.com/greengrass/latest/developerguide/gg-gs.html