This Example Code is a Part of an Article: Simple Guide on Deploying Python Flask API on Vercel — Free of Cost
Live Url: Deployment
Article Link: Medium
Whether you’re working on a hobby project or a professional endeavor, deployment is essential. Flask, a lightweight and versatile Python web framework, is commonly used for building web applications due to its simplicity and flexibility. In this guide, we’ll explore deploying a Python Flask API on Vercel, a platform that offers straightforward deployment with continuous integration, and the best part — it’s free!
- Create a new project directory (e.g., flask-api-example).
- Set up a virtual environment (optional but recommended).
- Install Python and any IDE (if not already installed).
- Specify your app’s dependencies in a requirements.txt file.
- Install the dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt.
- Create an /api directory (or any name you prefer).
- Inside this directory, create an file with your Flask API code.
- Define routes and handlers (e.g., a simple home route and a 404 error handler).
- Initialize a Git repository (git init).
- Create a .gitignore file to exclude specific files and directories (e.g., .vscode, .venv, etc.).
- Add a vercel.json file at the root of your app.
- Specify rewrite rules to route requests to your Flask API (e.g., from /api to /api/index).
- Using Vercel CLI:
- Install Vercel CLI globally (npm i -g vercel).
- Log in to the CLI using vercel login.
- Deploy using vercel commands.
- Using GitHub/GitLab Integration:
- Connect your Vercel account to your Git repository.
- Automatically deploy on every push to the repository.