Instructor: Prof. Dr. Francesco Maurelli
- implementation of uuv_simulator and husky
- phobos # blender add on to generate URDF
$ cd ros_project/src
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone #optional
$ catkin build # and source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds empty_underwater_world.launch
$ roslaunch uuv_descriptions upload_rexrov.launch mode:=default x:=0 y:=0 z:=-20 namespace:=rexrov
$ roslaunch uuv_control_cascaded_pid joy_velocity.launch uuv_name:=rexrov model_name:=rexrov joy_id:=0
all stuff related to rostopic params etc is saved in /dump folder
$ rosrun uuv_assistants create_new_robot_model --robot_name foronz
$ rosrun uuv_assistants create_new_robot_model --robot_name foronz
$ rosrun uuv_assistants create_thruster_manager_configuration --robot_name foronz --output_dir <CATKIN_PKG>
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin build
$ roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds empty_underwater_world.launch
$ roslaunch foronz_description upload.launch
$ roslaunch foronz_control start_thruster_manager.launch reset_tam:=true
To command the vehicle, you have to start the thruster manager and publish a ROS Wrench message to the input topic
/<ROBOT_NAME or ROBOT_NAMESPACE>/thruster_manager/input
$ roslaunch my_project <task>
$ roslaunch my_project task2.launch # task3.launch or task4d.launch
Default rexrov launches gazebo GUI and URDF and some other nodes used to control the AUV, like velocity_teleop wrench_controller or which subscribe to Twist/Wrench messages or services.
Please find the output for the nodes, topics, services and messages including screenshots of rqt or the terminal output in ros_project/dump
$ rosnode list
# debug information about ROS Nodes, including publications, subscriptions and connections.$ rostopic list
# publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages.$ rossrv list
# prints out service descriptions, packages that contain .srv files$ rosservice list
# listing and querying ROS Services.$ rosmsg list
# displaying information about ROS Message types.$ rqt_graph
# GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS computation graph.
$ roslaunch my_project task2.launch
$ cd bagfiles
$ rosbag record rexrov/cmd_vel
$ rqt_plot rexrov/cmd_vel/angular:linear
$ rosbag play <bagfile>
- The screenshots are save in /dump folder
- node can be found at
$ roslaunch my_project task3.launch
- Blender files are saved in /foronz_xD
- robot descriptions are
- Using default thruster placement cuz why not.
- part c node
- finallyy
$ roslaunch my_project task4d.launch
- Faraz Ahmad (
- Muaaz Rajput (
- Ainna Zafar (
Each task of the project was done by the three group members together, so there is really no way to distribute the contributions. Consider it 33.333333333333% contributed by each member. Vielen Dank!