This is a full-stack blog admin panel application that provides a user interface for managing blog posts. The front-end of the application is built with React, while the back-end is powered by NestJS.
Add Sign and Signup
Add Users management
Add profile section
Add Notifications
The application provides the following features:
- Login and Logout functionality
- List all blog posts
- Create a new blog post
- Edit an existing blog post
- Delete a blog post
- Add images to blog posts
- Create a Tag for each post
- Create a Category for each post
- Send and Recieve message from/to authors
- Manage Users (Add / Delete / Edit / Banned)
The tech stack used in this project includes:
- React
- Redux-Toolkit
- Material UI
- NestJS
- PostgreSQL
- JWT Authentication
- Multer
- Typeorm
Getting Started Prerequisites
To run this project, you will need to have the following installed on your system:
- Clone the repository to your local machine
- Navigate to the server folder and run npm install
- Create a new PostgreSQL database
- Update the .env file with your database connection details
- Start the server by running npm run start:dev
- Navigate to the client folder and run npm install
- Start the client by running npm start
If you would like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:
Fork the repository
Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix
Make your changes and commit them
Push your changes to your fork
Submit a pull request to the master branch of this repository
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Additional browser support
Add more integrations