This repository contains the Jupyter Notebooks used for data processing and analysis for the article “In-host population dynamics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex during active disease” (Vargas et al. 2021,
Notebooks were run in order from top to bottom as listed below. All code was written in Python 2 and running code within these notebooks requires installing the necessary python packages, bioinformatics pipelines & changing the directory paths within the notebooks.
Note: If a notebook doesn't render on GitHub, you can view it by pasting the GitHub hyperlink to it here
(A) Find Genomic Coordinates for Epitope Peptide Sequences using BLAST
(B) Create Gene Categories
Replicate Isolates/
- (A) Process Replicate Samples - FASTQ to VCF
- (B) Process Replicate Samples – Run Kraken on FASTQ
Longitudinal Isolates/
- (A) Process Longitudinal Samples - FASTQ to VCF
- (B) Process Longitudinal Samples – Run Kraken on FASTQ
(C) Process Replicate and Longitudinal Samples – Depth Extraction at Lineage Defining SNP sites for F2 Mixed Measure
(D) Filter Replicate and Longitudinal Samples – Contamination with Kraken and F2 Mixed Measure
(E) Process Replicate and Longitudinal Samples – Collect SNV Calls with Differing Alt AF between Sample Pairs
(F) Code to Functionally Annotate Single Nucleotide Variants
(G) PacBio Illumina Comparison - Empirical Base Pair Recall Score Positions to Drop
(H) Filter Replicate and Longitudinal Samples – Contamination with Fixed SNP Threshold
Replicate Isolates/
- (C) Retrieve SNPs between Replicate Pairs with AF change of 25% or more
Longitudinal Isolates/
- (C) Retrieve SNPs between Longitudinal Pairs with AF change of 25% or more
(I) Replicate and Longitudinal SNP comparison to find optimal AF change threshold% for in-host SNPs
Longitudinal Isolates/
(D) Retrieve SNPs between Longitudinal Pairs with AF change of 5% or more
(E) Retrieve SNPs between Longitudinal Pairs with AF change of 70% or more
In-host SNPs with AF change of 70% analyses/
- (A) Organize and Visualize SNPs with Circos Plot and Heatmap
- (B) Mutational Spectrum of SNPs and AF change between Functional SNP type
- (C) Nucleotide Diversity across Gene Categories and Epitopes
- (D) Num SNPs vs Time Between Sample Collection
- (E) Num SNPs vs Time Between Sample Collection for Confirmed Failure Relapse Patients
- (F) Convergent Mutations at Pathway Level Analysis
(F) Num Heterozygous SNPs in First vs Second Sample in Treatment Failure Patients
(G) Drug Resistance Genotype Prediction on Longitudinal Samples
(H) Antibiotic Resistance Allele Dynamics
(I) Antibiotic Resistance Allele Dynamics for Confirmed Failure Relapse Patients
(J) Analyses on Time between Sampling for Mixed, Reinfection and Persistent Infections
Short Read Simulations/
- (A) Mtb Genome (gene-length) Complete Genome to H37Rv Mapping Assessment
- (B) Simulate Reads from Complete Genomes
- (C) Call Variants in Reference Genomes and Simulated Samples against H37Rv
- (D) Analysis of Variant Calls from Simulated Reads
SNPs from Public Samples & tSNE Homoplasy Visualization/
- (A) Scraping Public WGS Samples for Constructing Genotypes Matrix
- (B) Assign Lineages to Samples, Downsample & Re-Filter for Genotypes Matrix
- (C) Construct Pairwise SNP Distance Matrix from Genotypes Matrix
- (D) Phylogenetic Convergence Test in Public Samples for In-Host SNPs
- (E) t-SNE on Pairwise SNP Distance Matrix
- (F) t-SNE SNV Homoplasy Visualization