Living: Rangpur, Bangladesh.
I'm a very passionate person, especially when it comes time to learn new technologies from young age. I'm also passionate about making error-free websites with 100% client satisfaction. I have been attracted by technology and how tools work, things growing etc. I have already learned Full Stack Web Development (MERN Stack) for two years and more and continue learnig to improve my coding knowledge. I am spending so much time to improve my web development skills. Every day I want to learn something new, actaully I love to write code.
Front-end Tech: JavaScript (ES6), React Js, Next Js, React Native Expo, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Tailwind, Sass, JQuery
Back-end Tech: - NodeJs, ExpressJs, MongoDB, Firebase, Git
Hosting: Github, Netlify, Surge, Vercel, Heroku
- 🔭 I'm currently working on some full stack projects.
Thanks for going through my Portfolio. All rights reserved by Faridul Islam @2022