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Family Finance

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Open Source Love

Bootstrapped by create-react-app

FamilyFinance Webapp

FamilyFinance is an open source personal finance management webapp made with Firebase and React.

alt text

Your Installation

You can use FamilyFinance on your premises/host with your firebase account easiliy. You need to just add your firebase config to your environment variables as

apiKey: process.env.REACT_APP_FIREBASE_API_KEY,
authDomain: process.env.REACT_APP_FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN,
projectId: process.env.REACT_APP_FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID,

Live Demo

In the FamilyFinance you can find the demo session.

Run for Development

> npm install
> npm run dev

Run for Production

You can run the app in production either using server (static) or on nodejs server.

> npm run build
> npm install -g serve
> serve -p 80 -s build


> npm run build
> npm start