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TahakomAVRLib is a C++ library to program Atmel AVR microcontrollers


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TahakomAVRLib is a C++ library to program Atmel AVR microcontrollers. The library make use of the AVR standard C library and is written for easy usage.

Currently, the classes compile on the ATmega48P/88P/168P/328P AVR microcontrollers family.

Library structure

The library is composed of several classes that abstract the internal elements of a microcontroller and some external components that when hooked up to the chip can perform some actions.

These classes implement all functionalities and are organized into the namespaces:

  • core
  • io (input/output)
  • or components

Several Applications and Projects are implemented in order to demonstrate the library usage.

A more detailed description of the code listings can be found in the library documentation (generated by Doxygen)

Software setup

Before using the library and start programming and interfacing external peripherals, some software packages need to be installed in your system:

  • binutils-avr: for getting tools like assembler, linker, ...
  • gcc-avr : AVR GNU C cross-compiler
  • avr-libc: AVR C library
  • avrdude : driver program for downloading/uploading code and data from/to Atmel AVR microcontrollers


In Linux (Ubuntu in my case), the software packages can be installed as follows:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential
sudo apt-get install gcc-avr binutils-avr avr-libc gdb-avr
sudo apt-get install avrdude


In Windows, the software packages can be downloaded and installed as follows:

  • AVR toolchain for windows: can be downloaded from the Atmel's website download
  • avrdude: can be downloaded from download
  • make: can be downloaded from download
  • cmake: binary distribution can be downloaded from download

An alternative, would be to download the precompiled AVR-GCC toolchain from download that also include avrdude and make utilities but not cmake.

Before using these software tools, you need to update the PATH environement variable with the file paths to their executables and restart the system.

Compile and Flash programs

To compile and flash a program code to the AVR chip via USB port, you need to:

  • Install the USB driver for the programmer used
  • Adapt the CMakeLists.txt parameters to your system configuration:
    • MCU: AVR chip used
    • F_CPU: AVR CPU frequency
    • BAUD: Baude rate for serial communication
    • PROG_TYPE: Programmer type
    • AVRFLASH_PORT: Flash port name
  • Change compiler flags if necessary

and execute the following steps (shown for the Blink a Led application):


../BlinkLed$ mkdir build
../BlinkLed$ cd build
../BlinkLed/build$ cmake ..
../BlinkLed/build$ make flash


../BlinkLed$ mkdir build
../BlinkLed$ cd build
../BlinkLed/build$ cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles"
../BlinkLed/build$ make flash

Hardware setup

  • AVR chip either barebone or on a development board like an Arduino UNO
  • A bunch of Leds, resistors, drivers, sensors and actuators
  • A breadboard
  • Jumper wires
  • An AVR ISPProgrammer (optional)


These applications demonstrate the usage of TahakomAVRLib in simple examples:


These are more complex projects implemented using TahakomAVRLib


  • Farid Oubbati
  • Date: 12-May-2018
  • Copyright (c) 2018


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for more details