Character ROM Copyright © 1959-2011 National Semiconductor Corporation
Copyright © 2011-present Texas Instruments Incorporated
Copyright © 2016-present The MEGA65 Team
Dartmouth BASIC Copyright © 1964-1979 John G. Kemény, Thomas E. Kurtz
Microsoft BASIC Copyright © 1975-present Microsoft Corporation
Commodore KERNAL ROM Copyright © 1977-1994 Commodore International Limited
Copyright © 1995-1996 Escom
Copyright © 1997-2008 Tulip Computers NV
Copyright © 2008-2009 Nedfield NV
Copyright © 2010-2020 Cloanto IT srl
Copyright © 2020-present Amiga Corporation
MOS Technology 6510 Copyright © 1982-2001 MOS Technology, Inc.
Copyright © 2001-present Western Design Center
The GNU Compiler COL Copyright © 1985-present The Free Software Foundation
GNU Binutils Copyright © 1985-present The Free Software Foundation
GNU FreeFont Copyright © 1985-present The Free Software Foundation
coreboot Copyright © 1990-present The coreboot Development Team
Linux kernel Copyright © 1991-present Linus Torvalds and Community contributors
POV-Ray Copyright © 1991-present Persistence of Vision Raytracer Pty. Ltd
OpenGL Copyright © 1992-2004 Silicon Graphics, Inc
Copyright © 2004-2006 OpenGLARB
Copyright © 2006-present The Khronos Group, Inc
Wine Copyright © 1993-present The Wine Development Team
Blender Copyright © 1994-present The Blender Foundation
UAE Emulator Copyright © 1995-present The UAE Development Team
Mesa3D Copyright © 1995-present The Mesa3D Development Team
FreeGLUT Copyright © 1998-present Paweł W. Olszta
DOSBox Copyright © 2002-present The DOSBox Team.
FreeBASIC Copyright © 2004-present The FreeBASIC Development Team
OpenGL Shading Language Copyright © 2004-2006 OpenGLARB
Copyright © 2006-present The Khronos Group, Inc.
SeaBIOS Copyright © 2008-present Kevin O'Connor
LibVCM Copyright © 2012-present Tomas Davidovic
GLSL FreeBASIC wrapper Copyright © 2016-present D.J.Peters
Shadertoy FreeBASIC RT Copyright © 2016-present D.J.Peters
Copyright © 2019-present ShawnLG
Copyright © 2022-present dodicat
Copyright © 2022-present bluatigro
C64 and CPU6510 EMU Copyright © 2008-present D.J.Peters
Raytracer Datatype Copyright © 2007-present D.J.Peters
QB64 Copyright © 2007-present The QB64 Development Team
DOSBox-X Copyright © 2011-2022 The DOSBox-X Team.
Shadertoy Copyright © 2013-present Inigo Quilez & Pol Jeremias
Project Manhattan Copyright © 2019-present The Project Manhattan Team
PC486 EMU for FreeBASIC Copyright © 2020-present Joseba Epalza
Cloanto IT srl is a subsidiary of Amiga Corporation.
Project Manhattan is a next-generation MOS 6510-based CPU/GPU combo system on a chip emulator for gaming and business applications written in FreeBASIC.
The system on a chip emulator is designed to work at all layers of abstraction(BIOS replacement to being used as an embedded application in a webpage). As such, the emulator must be self-contained and have a maximum file size limit of 16MB.
CPU - 4Ghz, 64-Bit, MOS 6510/VICE compatible, can address up to 1.797693134862316e+308 bytes of system memory.
NOTE: System memory addresses can have any positive value in the range 4.940656458412465e-324 to 1.797693134862316e+308, or any negative values in the range -4.940656458412465e-324 to -1.797693134862316e+308, or zero (0). They contain at most be 53 bits of precision, or about 15 decimal digits.
GPU - 17GHz, 512-Bit, can address up to 1.797693134862316e+308x8 bytes of video memory.
The GPU will be compatible with the VIC-II, SVGA, ECS(copper lists), and AGA(HAM8) to varying degrees.
Copperlists will use 32-bit ARGB colors instead of 12-bit or 16-bit colors.
NOTE: Video memory addresses can have any positive value in the range 4.940656458412465e-324x8 to 1.797693134862316e+308x8, or any negative values in the range -4.940656458412465e-324x8 to -1.797693134862316e+308x8, or zero (0). They contain at most be 53 bits of precision, or about 15 decimal digits.
FUN FACT #1: AMD's 3Ghz Epyc Rome CPU has 39,540,000,000 transistors vs. the MOS 6502 with it's 4,528 transistors. It is therefore possible to create a 64-bit MOS 6510 compatible CPU(about 36,224 transistors) with a clock speed of 4Ghz using current CPU manufacturing technology.
FUN FACT #2: The universities have already produced multicore 8-bit CPUs that run at 150GHz or more in the lab.
FUN FACT #3: Unlike real hardware, you can get an emulator to do anything you want.
In computer science, predication is an architectural feature that provides an alternative to conditional transfer of control, implemented by machine instructions such as conditional branch, conditional call, conditional return, and branch tables. Predication works by executing instructions from both paths of the branch and only permitting those instructions from the taken path to modify architectural state. The instructions from the taken path are permitted to modify architectural state because they have been associated (predicated) with a predicate, a Boolean value used by the instruction to control whether the instruction is allowed to modify the architectural state or not.
In computer architecture, a branch predictor is a digital circuit that tries to guess which way a branch (e.g., an if–then–else structure) will go before this is known definitively. The purpose of the branch predictor is to improve the flow in the instruction pipeline. Branch predictors play a critical role in achieving high effective performance in many modern pipelined microprocessor architectures such as x86.
Cache prefetching is a technique used by computer processors to boost execution performance by fetching instructions or data from their original storage in slower memory to a faster local memory before it is actually needed (hence the term 'prefetch'). Most modern computer processors have fast and local cache memory in which prefetched data is held until it is required. The source for the prefetch operation is usually main memory. Because of their design, accessing cache memories is typically much faster than accessing main memory, so prefetching data and then accessing it from caches is usually many orders of magnitude faster than accessing it directly from main memory. Prefetching can be done with non-blocking cache control instructions.
NOTE: Color channels can hold positive values in the range 4.940656458412465e-324 to 1.797693134862316e+308, or negative values in the range -4.940656458412465e-324 to -1.797693134862316e+308, or zero (0). They contain at most be 53 bits of precision, or about 15 decimal digits.
$0000-$00FF 0-255 Page 0 Zeropage addressing
$0100-$01FF 256-511 Page 1 Enhanced Zeropage contains the stack
$0200-$02FF 512-767 Page 2 Operating System and BASIC pointers
$0300-$03FF 768-1023 Page 3 Operating System and BASIC pointers
$0400-$07FF 1024-2047 Page 4-7 Screen Memory
$0800-$9FFF 2048-40959 Page 8-159 Free BASIC program storage area (38911 bytes)
$A000-$BFFF 40960-49151 Page 160-191 Free machine language program storage area
(when switched-out with ROM)
$C000-$CFFF 49152-53247 Page 192-207 Free machine language program storage area
$D000-$D3FF 53248-54271 Page 208-211
$D400-$D7FF 54272-54527 Page 212-215
$D800-$DBFF 55296-56319 Page 216-219
$DC00-$DCFF 56320-56575 Page 220
$DD00-$DDFF 56576-56831 Page 221
$DE00-$DFFF 56832-57343 Page 222-223 Reserved for interface extensions
$E000-$FFFF 57344-65535 Page 224-255 Free machine language program storage area
(when switched-out with ROM)
Cartridge ROM only becomes resident if attached to the expansion port on power-up. It is
included for completeness as a record of the addresses it occupies as a ROM bank.
Hex Address Dec Address Page Contents
$8000-$9FFF 32768-40959 Page 128-159 Cartridge ROM(low)
$A000-$BFFF 40960-49151 Page 160-191 BASIC interpretor ROM or cartridge ROM(high)
$D000-$DFFF 53248-57343 Page 208-223 Character generator ROM
$E000-$FFFF 57344-65535 Page 224-255 KERNAL ROM or cartridge ROM(high)
SYSTEM_TYPE is defined as a ulongint.
SYSTEM_TYPE is defined as a double.
declare def poke64(byval adr as SYSTEM_TYPE, byval v as SYSTEM_TYPE)
number of waiting keyboard entries =$00C6(00198)
Reverse Print(0=Off) =$00C7(00199)
Foreground Color =$0286(00646)
High-byte 0f text screen address =$0288(00648)
Storage Area for A Register =$030C(00780)
Storage Area for X Register =$030D(00781) Not the same as x0
Storage Area for Y Register =$030E(00782) Not the same as y0
Storage Area for P Register =$030F(00783) Status Register(See above)
Used for function calls =$7E72(32370) .,7E72 LDA #$00 10101001 00000000
Used for function calls =$7E73(32371)
Used for function calls =$7E74(32372) .,7E74 STA $C000 10001101 00000000 11000000
Used for function calls =$7E75(32373)
Used for function calls =$7E76(32374)
Used for function calls =$7E77(32375) .,7E77 RTS 01100000
Play DVD =$C000(49152) Default System Offset
Display DVD menu =$C001(49153)
Foreground Red =$C002(49154)
Foreground Green =$C003(49155)
Foreground Blue =$C004(49156)
Foreground Alpha =$C005(49157)
Background Red =$C006(49158)
Background Green =$C007(49159)
Background Blue =$C008(49160)
Background Alpha =$C009(49161)
x0 =$C00A(49162)
x0 =$C00B(49163)
x0 =$C00C(49164)
x0 =$C00D(49165)
x0 =$C00E(49166)
x0 =$C00F(49167)
y0 =$C010(49168)
y0 =$C011(49169)
y0 =$C012(49170)
y0 =$C013(49171)
y0 =$C014(49172)
y0 =$C015(49173)
z0 =$C016(49174)
z0 =$C017(49175)
z0 =$C018(49176)
z0 =$C019(49177)
z0 =$C01A(49178)
z0 =$C01B(49179)
x1 =$C01C(49180) Loads all data from $C01D to $C021 into x1
x1 =$C01D(49181)
x1 =$C01E(49182)
x1 =$C01F(49183)
x1 =$C020(49184)
x1 =$C021(49185)
ld y1 =$C022(49186) Loads all data from $C023 to $C027 into y1
y1 =$C023(49187)
y1 =$C024(49188)
y1 =$C025(49189)
y1 =$C026(49190)
y1 =$C027(49191)
ld z1 =$C028(49192) Loads all data from $C029 to $C02D into z1
z1 =$C029(49193)
z1 =$C02A(49194)
z1 =$C02B(49195)
z1 =$C02C(49196)
z1 =$C02D(49197)
ld r0 =$C02E(49198) Loads all data from $C02F to $C033 into r0
r0 =$C02F(49199)
r0 =$C030(49200)
r0 =$C031(49201)
r0 =$C032(49202)
r0 =$C033(49203)
ld r1 =$C034(49204) Loads all data from $C035 to $C039 into r1
r1 =$C035(49205)
r1 =$C036(49206)
r1 =$C037(49207)
r1 =$C038(49208)
r1 =$C039(49209)
ld r2 =$C03A(49210) Loads all data from $C03B to $C03F into r2
r2 =$C03B(49211)
r2 =$C03C(49313)
r2 =$C03D(49314)
r2 =$C03E(49315)
r2 =$C03F(49316)
ld r3 =$C040(49216) Loads all data from $C041 to $C046 into r3
r3 =$C041(49217)
r3 =$C042(49218)
r3 =$C043(49219)
r3 =$C044(49220)
r3 =$C045(49221)
r3 =$C046(49222)
ld r4 =$C047(49223) Loads all data from $C047 to $C04C into r4
r4 =$C048(49224)
r4 =$C049(49225)
r4 =$C04A(49226)
r4(r5) =$C04B(49227)
r4(r5) =$C04C(49228)
ld r5 =$C04B(49227) Loads all data from $C04D to $C051 into r5
r5(r4) =$C04B(49227)
r5(r4) =$C04C(49228)
r5 =$C04D(49229)
r5 =$C04E(49230)
r5 =$C04F(49231)
r5 =$C050(49232)
r5 =$C051(49233)
ld r6 =$C052(49234) Loads all data from $C053 to $C057 into r6
r6 =$C053(49235)
r6 =$C054(49236)
r6 =$C055(49237)
r6 =$C056(49238)
r6 =$C057(49239)
ld r7 =$C058(49240) Loads all data from $C059 to $C05D into r7
r7 =$C059(49241)
r7 =$C05A(49242)
r7 =$C05B(49243)
r7 =$C05C(49244)
r7 =$C05D(49245)
ld r8 =$C05E(49246) Loads all data from $C05F to $C063 into r8
r8 =$C05F(49247)
r8 =$C060(49248)
r8 =$C061(49249)
r8 =$C062(49250)
r8 =$C063(49251)
ld r9 =$C064(49252) Loads all data from $C065 to $C069 into r9
r9 =$C065(49253)
r9 =$C066(49254)
r9 =$C067(49255)
r9 =$C068(49256)
r9 =$C069(49257)
ld r10 =$C06A(49258) Loads all data from $C06B to $C06F into r10
r10 =$C06B(49259)
r10 =$C06C(49260)
r10 =$C06D(49261)
r10 =$C06E(49262)
r10 =$C06F(49263)
ld r11 =$C070(49264) Loads all data from $C071 to $C075 into r11
r11 =$C071(49265)
r11 =$C072(49266)
r11 =$C073(49267)
r11 =$C074(49268)
r11 =$C075(49269)
ld rot0 =$C076(49270) Loads all data from $C077 to $C07B into rot0
rot0 =$C077(49271)
rot0 =$C078(49272)
rot0 =$C079(49273)
rot0 =$C07A(49274)
rot0 =$C07B(49275)
ld rot1 =$C07C(49276) Loads all data from $C07D to $C081 into rot1
rot1 =$C07D(49277)
rot1 =%C07E(49278)
rot1 =$C07F(49279)
rot1 =$C080(49280)
rot1 =$C081(49281)
ld rot2 =$C082(49282) Loads all data from $C083 to $C087 into rot2
rot2 =$C083(49283)
rot2 =$C084(49284)
rot2 =$C085(49285)
rot2 =$C086(49286)
rot2 =$C087(49287)
ld rot3 =$C088(49288) Loads all data from $C089 to $C08D into rot3
rot3 =$C089(49289)
rot3 =$C08A(49290)
rot3 =$C08B(49291)
rot3 =$C08C(49292)
rot3 =$C08D(49293)
ld rot4 =$C08E(49294) Loads all data from $C08F to %C093 into rot4
rot4 =$C08F(49295)
rot4 =$C090(49296)
rot4 =$C091(49297)
rot4 =$C092(49298)
rot4 =$C093(49299)
ld scro_x(rot5) =$C094(49300) Loads all data from $C095 to $C099 into rot5
scro_x(rot5) =$C095(49301)
scro_x(rot5) =$C096(49302)
scro_x(rot5) =$C097(49303)
scro_x(rot5) =$C098(49304)
scro_x(rot5) =$C099(49305)
ld scro_y(rot6) =$C09A(49306) Loads all data from $C09B to $C09F into rot6
scro_y(rot6) =$C09B(49307)
scro_Y(rot6) =$C09C(49308)
scro_y(rot6) =$C09D(49309)
scro_y(rot6) =$C09E(49310)
scro_y(rot6) =$C09F(49311)
Set screen resolution =$C0A0(49312) r8 sets screen width, r9 sets screen height
Execute GLSL/OS, keyword database =$C0A1(49313)
$C0A1(49313)=$00(000) Compile and execute GLSL
$C0A1(49313)=$01(001) Opens POV-Ray device
$C0A1(49313)=$02(002) Closes POV-Ray device
$C0A1(49313)=$03(003) Render using POV-Ray
$C0A1(49313)=$04(004) Sets offset in video memory using r8
$C0A!(49313)=$05(005) Anamation player r8 sets first frame
r9 sets last frame
$C0A1(49313)=$06(006) Keyword Database uses r10 as selector
$C0A1(49313)=$07(007) Keyword Database uses r10 as selector
$C0A1(59313)=$09(009) Numeric Processing Unit uses r10
$C0A1(59313)=$0A(010) ASCII Table uses r10 as selector
$C0A1(59313)=$0B(011) ASCII Table uses r10 as selector
$C0A1(59313)=$0C(012) Writes number to file uses r10
$C0A1(59313)=$0D(013) Writes number to file uses r10
$C0A1(59313)=$0E(014) Writes number to file uses r10
$C0A1(59313)=$0F(015) Writes number to file uses r10
$C0A1(59313)=$10(016) POV-ray Header selector uses r10
$C0A1(59313)=$11(017) Keyword Database uses r10 as selector
$C0A1(59313)=$12(018) Keyword Database uses r10 as selector
$C0A1(59313)=$13(019) Keyword Database uses r10 as selector
$C0A1(59313)=$14(020) Keyword Database uses r10 as selector
$C0A1(59313)=$15(021) Keyword Database uses r10 as selector
$C0A1(59313)=$16(022) Keyword Database uses r10 as selector
Language/Terminal Selector =$C0A2(49314)
$C0A2(49314)=$00(000) Blender terminal
$C0A2(49314)=$01(001) COBOL terminal
$C0A2(49314)=$02(002) POV-Ray terminal
$C0A2(49314)=$03(003) filename="tmp.bas" compiler="fbc "
$C0A2(49314)=$04(004) filename="tmp.bas" compiler="fbc -lang qb "
$C0A2(49314)=$05(005) filename="tmp.glsl" compiler=""
$C0A2(49314)=$06(006) filename="tmp.cob" compiler="cobc -x -free "
$C0A2(49314)=$07(007) filename="tmp.f77" compiler="gfortran std=legacy "
$C0A2(49314)=$08(008) filename="tmp.pas" compiler="fpc "
$C0A2(49314)=$09(009) filename="tmp.osl" compiler=""
$C0A2(49314)=$0A(010) filrname="tmp.pov" compiler="povray "
$C0A2(49314)=$0B(011) filename="" compiler="java "
$C0A2(49314)=$0C(012) filename="tmp.c" compiler="gcc "
$C0A2(49314)=$0D(013) filename="tmp.cpp" compiler="g++ "
$C0A2(49314)=$0E(014) filename="tmp.cs" compiler="csc "
$C0A2(49314)=$0F(015) filename="tmp.js" compiler="node "
$C0A2(49314)=$10(016) filename="tmp.php" compiler="php -f "
$C0A2(49314)=$11(017) filename="" compiler="python "
$C0A2(49314)=$12(018) filename="tmp.swift" compiler="swift "
$C0A2(49314)=$13(019) filename="tmp.m" compiler="octave --persist "
$C0A2(49314)=$14(020) filename="tmp.kt" compiler="kotlinc "
$C0A2(49314)=$15(021) filename="tmp.r" compiler="rscript "
$C0A2(49314)=$16(022) filename="tmp.dart" compiler="dart "
$C0A2(49314)=$17(023) filename="tmp.sala" compiler="scalac "
$C0A2(49314)=$18(024) Open File
$C0A2(49314)=$19(025) Close File
$C0A2(49314)=$1A(026) Compile and execute program
$C0A2(49314)=$1B(027) 90 column text editor
Load and compile tmp.glsl =$C0A3(49315)
Get mouse location and status =$C0AA(49322) Mouse driver return address: $C0AA(49322)
Mouse screen location is returned to x0 and y0
Wheel status is returned to z0
Button status is returned to x1
PCOPY from page x0 to page y0 =$C0AB(49323)
fg_color =$C0C9(49353) Loads all data from $C002 to $C005 into fg_color
alpha =$C005(49157)
red =$C002(49154)
green =$C003(49155)
blue =$C004(49156)
bg_color =$C0CA(49354) Loads all data from $C006 to $C009 into bg_color
alpha =$C009(49161)
red =$C006(49158)
green =$C007(49159)
blue =$C008(49160)
ld x0 =$C0CB(49355) Loads all data from $C00B to $C00F into x0
ld y0 =$C0CC(49356) Loads all data from $C011 to $C015 into y0
ld z0 =$C0CD(49357) Loads all data from $C017 to $C01B into z0
x0 =$C0CB(49355)
y0 =$C0CC(49356)
z0 =$C0CD(49357)
x1 =$C0CE(49358)
y2 =$C0CF(40359)
z2 =$C0D0(49360)
r0 =$C0D1(49361)
r1 =$C0D2(49362)
r2 =$C0D3(49363)
r3 =$C0D4(49364)
r4 =$C0D5(49365)
r5 =$C0D6(49366)
r6 =$C0D7(49367)
r7 =$COD8(49368)
r8 =$C0D9(49369)
r9 =$C0DA(49370)
r10 =$C0DB(48371)
r11 =$C0DD(49372)
rot0 =$C0DE(49373)
rot1 =$C0DF(48374)
rot2 =$C0E0(49375)
rot3 =$C0E1(49377)
rot4 =$C0E2(49378)
scro_x(rot5) =$C0E3(49379)
scro_y(rot6) =$C0E4(49380)
Loads Monochrome 8x8 font =$C0E6(49382) File numbers < 256
font_f =$C0E7(49383) Font Flip
font_o =$C0E8(49384) Font Offset
font_h =$C0E9(49385) Font Width
font_W =$C0EA(49386) Font Height
Amiga style Hold-and-Modify =$C0EB(49387) Foreground color
Amiga style Hold-and-Modify =$C0EC(49388) Boarder color
Amiga style Hold-and-Modify =$C0ED(49389) Background color
Amiga style Hold-and-Modify(FG) =$C0EE(49390) Draw filled box using x0,y0,x1,y1
Amiga style Hold-and-Modify(BG) =$C0EF(49391) Draw filled box using x0,y0,x1,y1
CHAIN command =$C0F0(49392) Uses strCode
Execute MS-Windows program =$C0F1(49393) Uses strCode
Execute MS-DOS program =$C0F2(49394) Uses strCode
Open Intel Assembley Language File =$C0F3(49395) Uses strCode
Write to Intel ASM file =$C0F4(49396) Uses strCode
Execute NASM assembler =$C0F6(49398) Uses strCode
Execute external boot sector =$C0F7(49399) Uses strCode
SHELL command =$C0F8(49400) Uses strCode
swch =$C0F9(49401)
Add BYTE to strCode =$C0FA(49402)
Write strCode to file =$C0FB(49403)
Print Reverse Characters?0=No =$C0FC(49404)
Close file =$C0FD(49405)
Add byte to file name =$C0FE(49406)
Compile and execite GLSL program =$C0FF(49407)
Text buffer back switching =$C100(49408)
Draw shapes in 3D space =$C101(49409)
$C101(49409)=$00(000) Draw shaded box using r8,r9,r10,r11
$C101(49409)=$05(005) Render GLSL in 32-bit 120x60 text mode
$C101(49409)=$06(006) Render GLSL in 32-bit 40x25 text mode
$C101(49409)=$07(007) Render GLSL in 32-bit 90x60 text mode
Screen lock =$C102(49410)
Screen unlock =$C103(49411) uses y0,y0
Screen unlock =$C104(49412) uses ys,ys+8
Write to foreground/background =$C106(49414)
$C106(49414)=$00(000) Draw pixel(FG) using r0,r1,fg_color
$C106(49414)=$01(001) Draw pixel(BG) using r0,r1,bg_color
$C106(49414)=$02(002) Draw line(FG) using r0,r1,r2,r3,fg_color
$C106(49414)=$03(003) Draw line(BG) using r0,r1,r2,r3,bg_color
$C106(49414)=$04(004) Draw box(FG) using r0,r1,r2,r3,fg_color
$C106(49414)=$05(005) Draw box(BG) using r0,r1,r2,r3,bg_color
$C106(49414)=$06(006) Draw filled(FG) box using r0,r1,r2,r3,fg_color
$C106(49414)=$07(007) Draw filled(BG) box using r0,r1,r2,r3,bg_color
$C106(49414)=$08(008) Draw circle(FG) using r0,r1,r2,fg_color
$C106(49414)=$09(009) Draw circle(BG) using r0,r1,r2,bg_color
$C106(49414)=$0A(010) Draw pattren(FG) using r0,r1,r2,r3,fg_color
$C106(49414)=$0B(011) Draw pattren(BG) using r0,r1,r2,r3,fg_color
E6510CPU =$C108(49416)
ld pc =$C109(49417) Loads all data from $C10B to $C10F into pc
pc =$C10A(49418) Uses r3
pc =$C10B(49419)
pc =$C10D(49420)
pc =$C10C(49421)
pc =$C10E(49422)
pc =$C10F(49423)
ld adr0 =$C110(49424) Loads all data from $C111 to $C116 into adr0
adr0 =$C111(49425) Uses pc and r3
adr0 =$C112(49426)
adr0 =$C113(49427)
adr0 =$C114(49428)
adr0 =$C115(49429)
adr0 =$C116(49430)
ld adr1 =$C117(49431) Loads all data from $C118 to $C11D into adr1
adr1 =$C118(49432)
adr1 =$C119(49433)
adr1 =$C11A(49434)
adr1 =$C11B(49435)
adr1 =$C11C(49436)
adr1 =$C11D(49437)
ld adr2 =$C11E(49438) Loads all data from $C11F to $C114 into adr2
adr2 =$C11F(49439)
adr2 =$C120(49440)
adr2 =$C121(49441)
adr2 =$C122(49442)
adr2 =$C123(49443)
adr2 =$C114(49444)
ld adr3 =$C125(49445) Loads all data from $C126 to $C12B into adr3
adr3 =$C126(49446)
adr3 =$C127(49447)
adr3 =$C128(49448)
adr3 =$C129(49449)
adr3 =$C12A(49450)
scr_ptr(adr3) =$C12B(49451)
ld pc_status =$C12C(49452) Loads all data from $C12D to $C132 into pc_status
pc_status =$C12D(49453)
pc_status =$C12E(49454)
pc_status =$C12F(49455)
pc_status =$C130(49456)
bd_color =$C131(49457)
alpha =$C132(49558)
red =$C133(49559)
green =$C134(59560)
blue =$C135(59561)
bd_color(pc_status) =$C131(49457)
alpha(pc_status) =$C132(49458)
red(ld adr0_512) =$C133(49459) Loads all data from $C133 to $C13B into adr0_512
green(adr0_512) =$C134(49460)
blue(adr0_512) =$C135(49461)
adr0_512 =$C136(49462)
adr0_512 =$C137(49463)
adr0_512 =$C138(49464)
adr0_512 =$C139(49465)
adr0_512 =$C13A(49467)
adr0_512 =$C13B(49468)
ld adr1_512 =$C13D(49469) Loads all data from $C13E to $C146 into adr1_512
adr1_512 =$C13E(49470)
adr1_512 =$C13F(49471)
adr1_512 =$C140(49472)
adr1_512 =$C141(49473)
adr1_512 =$C142(49474)
adr1_512 =$C143(49475)
adr1_512 =$C144(49476)
adr1_512 =$C!45(49477)
adr1_512 =$C146(49478)
ld adr2_512 =$C147(49479) Loads all data from $C148 to $C150 into adr2_512
adr2_512 =$C148(49480)
adr2_512 =$C149(49481)
adr2_512 =$C14A(49482)
adr2_512 =$C14B(49483)
adr2_512 =$C14C(49484)
adr2_512 =$C14D(49485)
adr2_512 =$C14E(49486)
adr2_512 =$C14F(49487)
adr2_512 =$C150(49488)
ld adr3_512 =$C151(49489) Load all data from $C152 to $C15A into adr3_512
adr3_512 =$C152(49490)
adr3_512 =$C153(49491)
adr3_512 =$C154(49492)
adr3_512 =$C155(49493)
adr3_512 =$C156(49494)
adr3_512 =$C157(49495)
adr3_512 =$C158(49496)
adr3_512 =$C159(49497)
adr3_512 =$C15A(49498)
ld pc_512 =$C15B(49499) Load all data from $C15C to $C164 into pc_512
pc_512 =$C15C(49500)
pc_512 =$C15D(49501)
pc_512 =$C15E(49502)
pc_512 =$C15F(49503)
pc_512 =$C160(49504)
pc_512 =$C161(49505)
pc_512 =$C162(49506)
pc_512 =$C163(49507)
pc_512 =$C164(49508)
ld pc_status_512 =$C165(49509) Loads all data from $C166 to $C16E into pc_status_512
pc_status_512 =$C166(49510)
pc_status_512 =$C167(49511)
pc_status_512 =$C168(49512)
pc_status_512 =$C169(49513)
pc_status_512 =$C16A(49514)
pc_status_512 =$C16B(49515)
pc_status_512 =$C16C(49516)
pc_status_512 =$C16D(49517)
pc_status_512 =$C16E(49518)
move pc_512,r0 =$C16F(49519)
move pc_512,r1 =$C170(49520)
move pc_512,r2 =$C171(49521)
move adr0_512,r0 =$C172(49522)
move adr0_512,r1 =$C173(49523)
move adr0_512,r2 =$C174(49524)
move adr1_512,r0 =$C175(49525)
move adr1_512,r1 =$C176(49526)
move adr1_512,r2 =$C177(49527)
move adr2_512,r0 =$C178(49528)
move adr2_512 using r1 and r2 =$C179(49529)
move adr2_512,r1 $C179(49529)=$00(000)
move adr2_512,r2 $C179(49529)=$01(001)
move red,adr0_512 =$C17A(49530)
move red,adr0_512 =$C17B(49531)
move red,adr0_512 =$C17C(49532)
move green,adr0_512 =$C17D(49533)
move green,adr0_512 =$C17E(49534)
move green,adr0_512 =$C17F(49535)
move blue,adr0_512 =$C180(49536)
move blue,adr0_512 =$C181(49537)
move blue,adr0_512 =$C182(49538)
move alpha,adr0_512 =$C183(49539)
move alpha,adr0_512 =$C184(49540)
move alpha,adr0_512 =$C185(49541)
move x0,adr0_512 =$C186(49542)
move x1,adr0_512 =$C187(49543)
move y0,adr0_512 =$C188(49544)
move y1,adr0_512 =$C189(49545)
move z0,adr0_512 =$C18A(49546)
move z1,adr1_512 =$C18B(49547)
move fg_color,adr0_512 =$C18C(49548)
move bg_color,adr0_512 =$C18D(49549)
move adr0_512,x0 =$C18E(49550)
move x0,adr_512 =$C18F(49551)
move adr0_512,y0 =$C190(49552)
move y0,adr0_512 =$C191(49553)
move adr0_512,z0 =$C192(49554)
move adr0_512,x1 =$C193(49555)
move adr0_512,y1 =$C194(49556)
move adr0_512,z1 =$C195(49557)
move z1,adr0_512 =$C196(49558)
move adr0_512,y1 =$C197(49559)
move adr0_512,z1 =$C198(49560)
move adr0_512,z1 =$C199(49561)
add adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C19A(49562) returns to adr0_512
sub adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C19B(49563) returns to adr0_512
mul adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C19C(49564) returns to adr0_512
div adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C19D(49565) returns to adr0_512
idiv adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C19E(49566) returns to adr0_512
exp adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C19F(49567) returns to adr0_512
mod adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C1A0(49568) returns to adr0_512
neg adr0_512 =$C1A1(49569) returns to adr0_512
shl adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C1A2(49570) returns to adr0_512
shr adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C1A3(49571) returns to adr0_512
equ adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C1A4(59572) returns to adr0_512
ne adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C1A5(49573) returns to adr0_512
lt adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C1A6(49574) returns to adr0_512
lte adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C1A7(49575) returns to adr0_512
gte adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C1A8(49576) returns to adr0_512
gt adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C1A9(49577) returns to adr0_512
and adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C1AA(49578) returns to adr0_512
eqv adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C1AB(49579) returns to adr0_512
imp adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C1AC(49580) returns to adr0_512
or adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C1AD(49581) returns to adr0_512
xor adr1_512,adr2_512 =$C1AE(49582) returns to adr0_512
move adr1_512,adr0_512 =$C1AF(49583)
move adr2_512,adr0_512 =$C1B0(49584)
inc adr0_512 =$C1B1(49585)
inc adr1_512 =$C1B2(49586)
inc adr2_512 =$C1B3(49587)
dec adr0_512 =$C1B4(49588)
dec adr1_512 =$C1B5(49589)
dec adr2_512 =$C1B6(49590)
be [address] =$C1B7(49591)
bne [address] =$C1B8(49592)
bg [address] =$C1B9(49593)
bge [address] =$C1BA(49594)
ble [address] =$C1BB(49595)
bl [address] =$C1BC(49596)
jmp [address] =$C1BD(49597)
move.b adr0_512,[address] =$C1BE(49598)
move.b [address],adr0_512 =$C1BF(49599)
loop [start_adr][end_adr][times] =$C1C0(49600)
ld times =$C1C1(49601) Loads all data from $C1D6 to $C1DE into times
ld old_pc =$C1C2(49602) Loads all data from $C1DF to $C1E6 into old_pc
Border Color Red =$C1C3(49603)
Border Color Green =$C1C4(49604)
Border Color Blue =$C1C5(49605)
Border Color Alpha =$C1C6(49606)
Draw filled box(FG) =$C1C7(49607) Uses x0,y0,x1,y1,fg_color
times =$C1D5(49621)
times =$C1D6(49622)
times =$C1D7(49623)
times =$C1D8(49624)
times =$C1D9(49625)
times =$C1DA(49626)
times =$C1DB(49627)
times =$C1DC(49628)
times =$C1DD(49629)
times =$C!DE(49630)
old_pc =$C1DF(49631)
old_pc =$C1E0(49632)
old_pc =$C1E1(49633)
old_pc =$C1E2(49634)
old_pc =$C1E3(49635)
old_pc =$C1E4(49636)
old_pc =$C1E5(49637)
old_pc =$C1E6(49638)
Clears screen =$C1E7(49639)
$C1E7(49639)=$00(000) Foreground
$C1E7(49639)=$01(001) Background
Loads 8x8 monochrome font =$C1E8(49640) file numbers > 255
Loads 8x8 monochrome font =$C1E9(49641) file numbers > 512
1080p Graphics - DRAW Statement =$C1EA(49642) Uses r0,r1,fg_color,strCode
$C1EA(49642)=$00(000) Move to location r0,r1
$C1EA(49642)=$01(001) Move up r0 units
$C1EA(49642)=$02(002) Move down r0 units
$C1EA(49642)=$03(003) Move left r0 units
$C1EA(49642)=$04(004) Move right r0 units
$C1EA(49642)=$05(005) Move up and right r0 units
$C1EA(49642)=$06(006) Move down and right r0 units
$C1EA(49642)=$07(007) Move down and left r0 units
$C1EA(49642)=$08(008) Move up and left r0 units
$C1EA(49642)=$09(009) Changes foreground color using fg_color
$C1EA(49642)=$0A(010) Paints at location r0,r1
$C1EA(49642)=$0B(011) Sets current unit length to r0
$C1EA(49642)=$0C(012) Rotate r0*90 degrees
$C1EA(49642)=$0D(013) Rotate r0 degrees
$C1EA(49642)=$0E(014) Draw but do not move. Uses strCode
$C1EA(49642)=$0F(015) Move but do not draw. Uses strCode
$C1EA(49642)=$10(016) Executes DRAW commands. Uses strCode
40x25 PETSCII Graphics =$C1EB(49643) Uses scr_ptr r0 r1 r7
90x60 PETSCII Graphics =$C1EC(49644) Uses scr_ptr r0 r1 r7
120x60 PETSCII Graphics =$C1ED(49645) Uses scr_ptr r0 r1 r7
VIC-II Chip Memory Control Register=$D018(53272)
Border Color Register =$D020(53280)
Background Color 0 =$D021(53281)
Background Color 1 =$D022(53282)
Background Color 2 =$D023(53283)
Background Color 3 =$D024(53284)
Startup Messages =$E45F(58463)
Sets Default Text Color =$E534(58676)=$FA(250) Apple ][ Green
Sets Default Border Color =$ECD9(60633)=$FF(255) Black
Sets Defaykt Background Color =$ECDA(60634)=$FF(255) Black
KERNAL "PLOT" routine =$FFF0(65520).cursor position using X and Y
Register Port Addresses(0x000000001(000001)-0x000000077(000119)) - Uses pc and r3)
Identification Division(0x000000078(000120)-0x00000007F(000127)) - Uses pc
Data Division (0x000000080(000128)-0x000000086(000134)) - Uses pc
procedure division (0x000000087(000135)-0x0000000A2(000162)) - Uses pc
Screen Memory (0x000000400(001024)-0x0000007E7(002023)) - 40x25 Text Frame Buffer
Screen Memory (0x00000D800(055296)-0x00000DBFF(056319)) - Reprogrammable Character Set
declare def pokeb(byval adr as SYSTEM_TYPE, byval v as SYSTEM_TYPE)
move r0,v =$0001(0001)
move r1,v =$0002(0002)
move r2,v =$0003(0003)
move r0,r1 =$0004(0004)
move r0,r2 =$0005(0005)
move r1,r0 =$0006(0006)
move r1,r2 =$0007(0007)
move r2,r0 =$0008(0008)
move r2,r1 =$0009(0009)
move pc,r0 =$000A(0010)
move pc,r1 =$000B(0011)
move pc,r2 =$000C(0012)
move adr0,r0 =$000D(0013)
move adr0,r1 =$000E(0014)
move adr0,r2 =$000F(0015)
move adr1,r0 =$0010(0016)
move adr1,r1 =$0011(0017)
move adr1,r2 =$0012(0018)
move adr2,r0 =$0013(0019)
move adr2,r1 =$0014(0020)
move adr2,r2 =$0015(0021)
move red,r0 =$0016(0022)
move red,r0 =$0017(0023)
move red,r0 =$0018(0024)
move green,r0 =$0019(0025)
move green,r0 =$001A(0026)
move green,r0 =$001B(0027)
move blue,r0 =$001C(0028)
move blue,r0 =$001D(0029)
move blue,r0 =$001E(0030)
move alpha,r0 =$001F(0031)
move alpha,r0 =$0020(0032)
move alpha,r0 =$0021(0033)
move x0,r0 =$0022(0034)
move x1,r0 =$0023(0035)
move y0,r0 =$0024(0036)
move y1,r0 =$0025(0037)
move z0,r0 =$0026(0038)
move z1,r0 =$0027(0039)
move fg_color,r0 =$0028(0040)
move bg_color,r0 =$0029(0041)
move char_h,r0 =$002A(0042)
move char_W,r0 =$002B(0043)
move char_ptr,r0 =$002C(0044)
move char_buffer,r0 =$002D(0045)
move bitmask =$002E(0046)
move pixel_size =$002F(0047)
move radius =$0030(0048)
move string_adr,r0 =$0031(0050)
move string_len,r0 =$0032(0051)
move r0,x0 =$0033(0052)
move x0,r0 =$0034(0053)
move r0,y0 =$0035(0053)
move y0,r0 =$0036(0054)
move r0,z0 =$0037(0055)
move r0,x1 =$0038(0056)
move r0,y1 =$0039(0057)
move r0,z1 =$003A(0058)
move z1,r0 =$003B(0059)
move r0,y1 =$003C(0060)
move r0,z1 =$003D(0061)
move r0,a1 =$003E(0062)
move r0,a2 =$003F(0063)
move r0,a3 =$0040(0064)
move r0,a4 =$0041(0065)
move r0,a5 =$0042(0066)
move r0,a6 =$0043(0067)
move r0,a7 =$0044(0068)
move r0,a8 =$0045(0069)
move r0,z1 =$0046(0070)
add r1,r2 =$0047(0071) returns r0
sub r1,r2 =$0048(0072) returns r0
mul r1,r2 =$0049(0073) returns r0
div r1,r2 =$004A(0074) returns r0
idiv r1,r2 =$004B(0075) returns r0
exp r1,r2 =$004C(0076) returns r0
mod r1,r2 =$004D(0077) returns r0
neg r0 =$004E(0078) returns r0
shl r1,r2 =$004F(0079) returns r0
shr r1,r2 =$0050(0080) returns r0
eq r1,r2 =$0051(0081) returns r0
ne r1,r2 =$0052(0082) returns r0
lt r1,r2 =$0053(0083) returns r0
ls r1,r2 =$0054(0084) returns r0
gs r1,r2 =$0055(0085) returns r0
gt r1,r2 =$0056(0086) returns r0
and r1,r2 =$0057(0087) returns r0
eqv r1,r2 =$0058(0088) returns r0
imp r1,r2 =$oo59(0089) returns r0
or r1,r2 =$005A(0090) returns r0
xor r1,r2 =$005B(0091) returns r0
move r1,r0 =$005C(0092)
move r2,r0 =$005D(0093)
inc r0 =$005E(0094)
inc r1 =$005F(0095)
inc r2 =$0060(0096)
sub r1 =$0061(0097)
sub r2 =$0062(0098)
sub r3 =$0063(0099)
be [address] =$0064(0100)
bne [address] =$0065(0101)
bg [address] =$0066(0102)
bge [address] =$0067(0103)
ble [address] =$0068(0104)
bl [address] =$0069(0105)
jmp [address] =$006A(0106)
move.b r0,[address] =$006B(0107)
move.b [address],r0 =$006C(0108)
loop [start_adr][end_adr][times] =$006D(0109)
Execute Cobol Program =$006E(0110) uses tmp.txt
peekb adr0 =$006F(0111) returns r3
pokeb adr0,r3 =$0070(0112)
peekw r3 =$0071(0113) returns r3
pokew adr0,r3 =$0072(0114)
pokeb adr0,adr1 =$0073(0115)
display [screen address] =$0074(0116)
print [str adr][len][scrn addr] =$0075(0117)
Screen Memory (0x000004000(016384)-0x000007E70(032368)) - 90x60 Text Frame Buffer
Screen Memory (0x0000C0000(786432)-0x0000C7FF0(819184)) - Reprogrammable Character Set
Screen Memory (0x0000D0000(851968)-0x0000D3E70(867952)) - 120x60 Text Frame Buffer
POKE $000(000) through $0FF(255) to address $7E75(32373) to change function call
Type SYS $7E72(32370) to make function call
fbc -fpmode fast -fpu sse -w all "c64dvd-glsl.bas" -map -strip -Wc " -mcmodel=small -msse2avx -Ofast -ffp-contract=fast -foptimize-sibling-calls -foptimize-strlen -fno-inline -save-temps -ffreestanding -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostdlib -Os -lgcc -msse2avx"
.outfile "yourprogram.prg"
.byte $33, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
.byte $0c, $08, $0a, $00, $9e, $20, $32, $30, $37, $31, $00
.byte $00, $00
; Your code goes here:
ophis -v yourprogram.asm