An experimental version control system for archiving/merging/distributing large volumes of game files, inspired by Git.
It might not be good idea to use Faws for serious archival purposes just yet. Your files could be lost.
git clone faws && cd faws
go install
manage authorship identities
id create create a new identity for authoring commits
id rm remove an identity from the ring
id primary make one of your signing identities the primary
id ls list all identities in your ring
id set alter various identity attributes
sync objects between local and remote repositories
pull download a remote into the current directory
shadow download the minimum portion of a remote necessary to checkout a specific commit or other object
manage repository state
init create an empty repository in the current directory
add add a file or directory to the index
rm remove a file from the index
status list files in the index yet to be committed
write-tree write cached files to a tree object
ls-tree list the contents of a tree object
commit-tree create a new commit object using an already-created tree object
commit create a new commit object using files from the index
log show commit logs
cat-file provide contents or details of repository objects
checkout export a tree, or a tree of a commit, into a directory
mass-revise perfom bulk edits of commits and trees