Protect and hide sensitive ConVars from the data-file (should not be exposed to clients or logs), and send fake value to clients if possible
This plugin is private, Please contact me
此為私人插件, 請聯繫本人
Apply to | 適用於
Any Source Game
How does it work?
- Write down ConVars you want to keep secret in data/sv_protect_cvar.cfg
- When clients try to get convar value, they only get nothing or fake value
- Not allow game monitor or server broswer to check convar value
- Write down ConVars you want to keep secret in data/sv_protect_cvar.cfg
Require | 必要安裝
None -
Related Plugin | 相關插件
- sv_protect_cvar: Enforces ConVars consistency from the data-file values
- 鎖住CVAR的值,不會被遊戲或地圖或玩家竄改
- sv_protect_cvar: Enforces ConVars consistency from the data-file values
Changelog | 版本日誌
v1.1 (2024-10-28)
- Fixed error
v1.0 (2024-10-7)
- Initial Release
- 寫下你想要保持祕密不想讓玩家看到的指令,於文件data/sv_protect_cvar.cfg
- 當客戶端查看時,無法得到數值或只得到假數值
- 外界或伺服器瀏覽時無法查看指令
- 伺服器原本設定的數值不會被此插件修改或影響
- 寫下你想要保持祕密不想讓玩家看到的指令,於文件data/sv_protect_cvar.cfg
- 保護比較敏感的資訊外洩,譬如密碼、網址、Steam群組的ID
- 不會被外界隨意查看指令的數值