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Compiling on Windows

Fran Bolívar edited this page May 10, 2019 · 8 revisions

Install the required software

Install Visual Studio

Download Visual Studio Community 2019 and install.

Install CMake

Download CMake 3.14.2 and install.

Install Qt

Download Qt5.12.3 and install for msvc2017 64-bit.

After installing it, create a new environment variable QTDIR with the value C:\Qt\Qt5.12.3 and add C:\Qt\Qt5.12.3\5.12.3\msvc2017_64\bin to the path.

Install Boost

Download Boost 1.70.0 and extract the compressed file. Open Development Command Prompt for VS2019 in the folder where we have extracted the files and type:

> bootstrap.bat
> b2 toolset=msvc --build-type=complete --abbreviate-paths address-model=64 install -j4

When finished, create a new environment variable BOOST_DIR with the value C:\Boost\lib

Install OpenCV

Download OpenCV 4.1.0 and extract to C:\OpenCV\4.1.0\. Create a new environment variables OPENCV_DIR with the value C:\OpenCV\4.1.0\opencv\build\x64\vc15\lib and add C:\OpenCV\4.1.0\opencv\build\x64\vc15\bin to the path.

Install VTK

Download VTK 8.2.0 and extract files in C:\VTK\8.2.0\src. Open CMake and complete the fields:

  • src: C:\VTK\8.2.0\src
  • build: C:\VTK\8.2.0\build\msvc2019_64

Use Visual Studio 16 2019 as the generator and configure. When finished, check this option: VTK_Group_Qt and configure until there is no red option. Then press generate. It will create some files and folders in C:\VTK\8.2.0\build\msvc2019_64.

Open VTK.sln and build ALL_BUILD in Release mode (wait for a long time until it finishes). Once it has finished, create a new environment variable VTK_DIR with the value C:\VTK\8.2.0\build\msvc2019_64 and add C:\VTK\8.2.0\build\msvc2019_64\bin\Release to the path.

Install ITK

Download ITK 4.13.2 and extract files in C:\ITK\4.13.2\src. Open CMake and complete the fields:

  • src: C:\ITK\4.13.2\src
  • build: C:\ITK\4.13.2\build\msvc2019_64

Use Visual Studio 16 2019 as the generator and configure. When finished, check this option: Module_ITKVtkGlue and configure until there is no red option. Then press generate. It will create some files and folders in C:\ITK\4.13.2\build\msvc2019_64.

Open ITK.sln and build ALL_BUILD in Release mode (wait for a long time until it finishes). Once it has finished, create a new environment variable ITK_DIR with the value C:\ ITK\4.13.2\build\msvc2019_64 and add C:\ ITK\4.13.2\build\msvc2019_64\bin\Release to the path.

Download the source code

Clone the repository with the source code by running on terminal:

> git clone

You can also fork the repository and use ssh to clone it:

> git clone

Compile and run

Open CMake and complete the fields:

  • src: %PROJECT_PATH%
  • build: %PROJECT_PATH%\build

Use Visual Studio 16 2019 as the generator and configure until there is no red option. Then press generate. It will create some files and folders in %PROJECT_PATH%\build.

Open 3DCurator.sln. It will launch Visual Studio. Set 3DCurator solution as default project and build, open Project Properties go to Configuration Properties > Linker > System and:

  • In SubSystem select the option Windows (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS)
  • In Enable Large Adresses select the option Yes (/LARGEADRESSAWARE)

Compile by clicking on Build Solution and execute opening the program generated on %PROJECT_PATH%\build\Release\3DCurator.exe

If you have some error during this process, please read the FAQ before contacting us.