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Code for Analyzing Redundancy in Pretrained Transformer Models accepted at EMNLP 2020

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Analyzing Redundancy in Pretrained Transformer Models

Code and instructions for the paper titled Analyzing Redundancy in Pretrained Transformer Models published at EMNLP 2020. This codebase extensively uses several other toolkits, including:

Getting the Data

Sequence Labeling

The datasets for sequence labeling tasks can be downloaded from the following sources:

We use the first 150,000 tokens from the train set for all of these tasks, and standard development and test sets.

Sequence Classification

We use the GLUE Benchmark for all sequence classification experiments. Download the data from For the experiments in this paper, you should download and have the following size directories, each containing the train and dev *.tsv's: SST-2, MRPC, QQP, STS-B, MNLI, QNLI, RTE. Run data/ to the base data directory to process and create additional required files.

We split the official train sets into train and development internally (provided code automatically does this at runtime with a fixed seed for reproducibility), using 90% as train and 10% as development. We use the official development sets as our test internally, since the official test sets are not publicly available.

Extracting Activations

Sequence Labeling

We use the contextual-repr-analysis by Lui. et al. for handling the sequence labeling data for POS, SEM, CCG and Chunking and extracting their activations.

Sequence Classification

We use the transformers library to extract activations for sequences for all of our tasks. Specifically, we extract the activations of the [CLS] token from each layer. The exact transformers code used is included in the repo in external/transformers.

  1. Create conda environment to install required dependencies:
cd external/transformers
conda create --name transformers python=3
conda activate transformers
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Use external/transformers/examples/ to extract the activations:
TRANSFORMERS_PATH=<full-path-to-external/transformers> \
    python \
        --data_dir <data-dir> \
        --model_type <model-arch> \
        --model_name_or_path <path-to-finetuned-model> \
        --task_name <task-name> \
        --output_file <output-json> \
        --cache_dir <cache-dir> \
        --do_train \
        --do_lower_case \
        --per_gpu_batch_size 32 \
        --layers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 \


  • <full-path-to-external/transformers> is the path to the included transformers in this repo
  • <data-dir> is the data for a specific task downloaded earlier (data/sst-2 for example)
  • <model-arch> is bert or xlnet
  • <path-to-finetuned-model> is the path to a model finetuned on the specific task. Finetuning is done is the standard way as described in the transformers package, using
  • <task-name> is the name of a task (e.g. sst-2)
  • <output-file> is the path to output embeddings in json
  • [optional] <cache-dir> is a custom transformers cache

Running Experiments

All of the experiments are primarily run using the provided external/aux_classifier code. To setup, you will need to create a conda environment for the dependencies:

cd external/aux_classifier
conda create -f aux_classifier_env.yml
conda activate aux_classifier

Sequence Labeling

To run sequence labeling experiments, use the following command:

AUX_CLASSIFIER_PATH=<full-path-to-external/aux_classifier> \
    python --config <exp-config-json>


  • <full-path-to-external/aux_classifier> is the path to the included aux_classifier in this repo
  • <exp-config-json> is the configuration for the current experiment, an example configuration is provided in experiments/labeling/example_config.json, and a detailed description is printed if is run without any arguments

Three helper scripts are provided:

  1. experiments/labeling/ This produces oracle numbers, individual classifier layer numbers, and concatenated classifier numbers. Given a list of correlation clustering coefficients and performance deltas for LayerSelector and CCFS, also produces the corresponding accuracies (Used in Section 6.1 and 7 in the paper).
  2. experiments/labeling/ This produces oracle numbers and performance numbers at all correlation clustering thresholds (Used in Section 5.2).
  3. experiments/labeling/ This produces oracle numbers and minimal set of neurons from all neurons accuracies (Used in Section 6.2).

Sequence Classification

To run sequence classification experiments, use the following command:

AUX_CLASSIFIER_PATH=<full-path-to-external/aux_classifier> \
    python --config <exp-config-json>


  • <full-path-to-external/aux_classifier> is the path to the included aux_classifier in this repo
  • <exp-config-json> is the configuration for the current experiment, an example configuration is provided in experiments/classification/example_config.json, and a detailed description is printed if is run without any arguments

Three helper scripts are provided:

  1. experiments/classification/ This produces oracle numbers, individual classifier layer numbers, and concatenated classifier numbers. Given a list of correlation clustering coefficients and performance deltas for LayerSelector and CCFS, also produces the corresponding accuracies (Used in Section 6.1 and 7 in the paper).
  2. experiments/classification/ This produces oracle numbers and performance numbers at all correlation clustering thresholds (Used in Section 5.2).
  3. experiments/classification/ This produces oracle numbers and minimal set of neurons from all neurons accuracies (Used in Section 6.2).

Running Analysis Code

  • The clustering analysis presented in Section 5.2 can be reproduced by running experiments/

  • The timing analysis presented in Section 7 can be reproduced using the following scripts:

    1. Pretrained model extraction timing: external/transformers/examples/, using similar arguments as the extraction scripts
    2. Classifier training timing: experiments/

Computing Infrastructure

All experiments were run on machines with 6-core 2.8 GHz AMD Opteron Processor 4184 processors, NVidia GeForce GTX TITAN X graphics cards and 128GB of RAM.

Evaluation Metrics

We used accuracy measure for all experiments, except for STS-B, where matthews_corrcoef was used. The metrics were computed using the scikit-learn library, with detailed code available in external/aux_classifier/aux_classifier/

Number of Parameters in used models

Pretrained models:

  • BERT: Standard bert-base with 110M parameters
  • XLNet: Standard xlnet-base with 116M parameters

Trained classifiers:

  • Linear classifiers with number of parameters roughly equal to num_of_input_features x num_of_classes. In the worst case, we use all 9984 features extracted from the pre-trained models, and our proposed algorithm reduces this number by a significant amount.

Approximate runtimes

  • Pretrained models:
    • BERT: 0.715 ms per instance
    • XLNet: 1.246 ms per instance
  • Classifier:
    • Full 9984 feature set with 100,000K input instances, 10 epochs and 2 output classes: 48.48 seconds


Pretrained Models

We use the default hyperparameters provided by the transformers library. They are listed below just as additional information:

Optimizer parameters (Adam)

Model parameters (BERT)
transformers-model: bert-base-cased
attention_probs_dropout_prob: 0.1
hidden_act: gelu
hidden_dropout_prob: 0.1
hidden_size: 768
initializer_range: 0.02
intermediate_size: 3072
layer_norm_eps: 1e-12
max_position_embeddings: 512
num_attention_heads: 12
num_hidden_layers: 12
vocab_size: 30522

Model parameters (XLNet)
transformers-model: xlnet-base-cased
attn_type: "bi"
bi_data: false
clamp_len: -1
d_head: 64
d_inner: 3072
d_model: 768
dropout: 0.1
end_n_top: 5
ff_activation: "gelu"
initializer_range: 0.02
layer_norm_eps: 1e-12
n_head: 12
n_layer: 12
n_token: 32000
start_n_top: 5
summary_activation: "tanh"
summary_last_dropout: 0.1
summary_type: "last"
summary_use_proj: true

Classifier Models

The default hyperparameters have been set in the provided code, but are listed here for information:

Classifier: Logistic Regression w/ Elastic Net Regularization
Epochs: 10
Learning rate: 1e-3
Batch size: 128
L1 regularization: 1e-5
L2 regularization: 1e-5


Code for Analyzing Redundancy in Pretrained Transformer Models accepted at EMNLP 2020






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