SaveUp a web personal finances organizer. A web project where you can add your daily expenses to get charts with a savings forecast and monthly expenses statistics.
Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, Redux, Java, SpringBoot, npm, eclipse, nodeJS
Completed Features:
- Log in
- Fetch data from a REST-API
- Enter new information to a data base
- Display data base information in text format and dynamic charts
- Simple filter
- Log out
- clone SaveUp-FrontEnd and SaveUp-BackEnd repositories.
- run the Backend DB with the server: http://localhost:8080/
- run the Frontend project with the server: http://localhost:3000/
- sign in using:
- email:
- password: hello123
- First screen you will see the Dashboard with your last 10 expenses and two charts from the current and last month expenses.
- Click "Expenses" to see all your expenses and filter them.
- Click "Add Expenses" to add a new expense.
- Click "Charts" or "Finances" to see your annual expenses and the forecast of your annual savings.
- Click "Profile" to add an income and a payment method.
- Click "Variable Charges" to add the categories of your variable charges. (*Charges that have irregular expenses. I.e. Groceries)
- Click "Fixed Charges" to add fixed charges (I.e. Rent, Natel Abo, TV, Health Insurance)