This is a simple GUI to download videos from yt using pytubefix, for latest state check my github account. Please contribute with bug reports, or enhancements you would like to have.
- Load save lists of URLS you create using the tool.
- Append video URLs of videos, playlists or channels to the list:
- Add Simple URL text
- make comma separated list in square brackets : [URL1,URL2,...URLn]
- Automatic detection of YT channels and playlists.
- Select URLs to be downloaded.
- Multiselection of URLs
- Usage of backend threads to download using pytubefix
- Resolution and codec selection
- Progressive and Adaptive download formats.
- Save captions to file
- Dump all information and metadata to file
- Reproduce downloaded files.
- Delete video Files in result list
- Add subtitles
- Save downloaded list.
- Allow simple URL list as csv or txt file input.
Modified code from Potoken generator originally from youtube-trusted-session-generator. Modified to generate file as required.
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