Java Expression Intepreter made as an assignment.
This application is used to calculate arhitmetical expressions based on the following context-free grammar (N.B: "e" means void, for example, a statement list can be made of a statement alone or statement followed by a statement list):
program → statement list
statement list → statement statement list | e
statement → variable def | expression def
variable def → ( SET variable id expression )
expression def → ( GET expression )
expression → ( ADD expression expression )
| ( SUB expression expression )
| ( MUL expression expression )
| ( DIV expression expression )
| number
| variable id
variable id → alpha list
alpha list → alpha alpha list | alpha
alpha → a | b | c | . . . | z | A | B | C | . . . | Z
number → 0 | sigdigit rest
sigdigit → 1 | . . . | 9
rest → digit rest | e
digit → 0 | sigdigit
###How to write an expression
These are some examples on how to use the grammar:
(GET (ADD (MUL 14 10) 25))
(SET var (MUL 10 5))
(GET (DIV 1000 var))
(SET var (MUL 10 20))
(GET (DIV 1000 var))
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