The feelpp.benchmarking
framework is designed to automate and facilitate the benchmarking process for any application. It enables hightly customized and flexible benchmarking, providing a pipeline that guides users from test execution to comprehensive report generation.
The framework is built on top of ReFrame-HPC and leverages a modular configuration system based on three JSON files that define machine-specific options, benchmark parameters, and dashboard report figures.
Key features include:
Tailored Configuration: Separate JSON files allow for detailed setup of machine environments, benchmark execution (including executable paths and test parameters), and report formatting. The use of placeholder syntax facilitates easy refactoring and reuse.
Automated and Reproducible Workflows: The pipeline validates input configurations, sets up execution environments via ReFrame, and runs benchmarks in a controlled manner. Results are gathered and transformed into comprehensive, reproducible reports.
Container Integration: With support for Apptainer (or Singularity), the framework ensures that benchmarks can be executed consistently across various HPC systems.
Continuous Benchmarking: The integration with CI/CD pipelines enables ongoing performance tracking. This is especially useful in projects where monitoring application scaling and performance over time is critical.
The feelpp.benchmarking tool serves as a centralized platform for aggregating benchmarking results into a clear dashboard, making it an essential resource for those looking to monitor and enhance HPC application performance.
Use a python virtual environment (Optional)
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Install the package
pip install feelpp-benchmarking
In order to generate the benchmark reports website, Antora must be configured beforehand, along with the necessary extensions. More information can be found in Antora Documentation
Make sure you have Node.js installed.
To initialize the Antora environment, run
The previous script will do the following:
Initialize a git repository in <BASE-DIRECTORY> if it is not already one.
Copy and install a
file containing necessary dependencies. -
Create the
directories where rendered files will be located. -
Create an antora component version descriptor and an antora playbook using <YOUR-PROJECT-TITLE> and <YOUR-PROJECT-NAME>
For detailed documentation, refer to our docs.
The framwork includes a sample C++/MPI application that can be used to get familiar with the framework’s core concepts. It can be found under examples/parallelsum/parallelSum.cpp, or you can download it here : parallelSum.cpp
This Feel++ Benchmarking "Hello World" application will compute the sum of an array distributed across multiple MPI processes. Each process will compute a partial sum, and then it will be summed to get the total sum.
Additionally, the app will measure the time taken to perform the partial sum, and will save it under a scalability.json file.
You can update the sample application and recompile it for a specific config as needed.
mpic++ -std=c++17 -o examples/parallelsum/parallelSum examples/parallelsum/parallelSum.cpp
The framework also contains a default system configuration, located under examples/machines/default.json corresponding to the file _examples/machines/, that looks like this :
//will use the `default` ReFrame configuration file
"machine": "default",
//will run on the default partition, using the built-in (or local) platform and the default env
//Tests will run asynchronously (up to 4 jobs at a time)
"execution_policy": "async",
// ReFrame's stage and output directories will be located under _./build/reframe/_
// The generated JSON report will be created under _./reports/_
// The base directory where the executable is located
//The C++ app outputs will be stored under the current working directory (./)
You can download this configuration file here default.json.
The framework also contains a very basic sample ReFrame configuration file, under examples/machines/
This file will cause the tool to use a local scheduler and the mpiexec
launcher with no options. For more advanced configurations, refer to ReFrame’s configuration reference
More information on feelpp.benchmarking machine configuration files can be found on the documentation Machine configuration
Along with machine configuration files, users must provide the specifications of the benchmark. A sample file is provided under examples/parallelsum/parallelSum.json. parallelSum.json
//Executable path (Change the location to the actual executable)
"executable": "{{machine.input_dataset_base_dir}}/examples/parallelsum/parallelSum",
"use_case_name": "parallel_sum",
"output_directory": "{{machine.output_app_dir}}/examples/parallelsum/outputs/parallelSum",
//Application options
"options": [ "{{parameters.elements.value}}", "{{output_directory}}/{{instance}}" ],
//Files containing execution times
"scalability": {
"directory": "{{output_directory}}/{{instance}}/",
"stages": [
"filepath": "scalability.json",
"format": "json",
// Resources for the test
// Files containing app outputs
"outputs": [
// Test validation (Only stdout supported at the moment)
"sanity": { "success": ["[SUCCESS]"], "error": ["[OOPSIE]","Error"] },
// Test parameters
"parameters": [
"name": "tasks",
"sequence": [1,2,4]
"linspace":{ "min":100000000, "max":1000000000, "n_steps":4 }
Remember to modify the |
More information about feelpp.benchmarking benchmark specifications can be found here
Along with the benchmark configuration, a figure configuration file is provided examples/parallelsum/plots.json Download it here plots.json.
An example of one figure specification is shown below. Users can add as many figures as they wish, corresponding the figure axis with the parameters used on the benchmark.
"title": "Absolute performance",
"plot_types": [ "stacked_bar", "grouped_bar" ],
"transformation": "performance",
"variables": [ "computation_time" ],
"names": ["Time"],
"xaxis":{ "parameter":"resources.tasks", "label":"Number of tasks" },
"yaxis":{"label":"Execution time (s)"},
"secondary_axis":{ "parameter":"elements", "label":"N" }
More information about feelpp.benchmarking figure configuration can be found here
Finally, to benchmark the test application, generate the reports and plot the figures, run (changing the file paths as needed)
feelpp-benchmarking-exec --machine-config examples/machines/default.json \
--custom-rfm-config examples/machines/ \
--benchmark-config examples/parallelsum/parallelSum.json \
--plots-config examples/parallelsum/plots.json \
The --website
option will start an http-server on localhost, so the website can be visualized. Check the console for more information.
If you installed the framework via PyPi:
In order to execute a benchmark, you can make use of the feelpp-benchmarking-exec
command after all configuration files have been set ( Configuration Reference).
The script accepts the following options :
`--machine-config`, (`-mc`) Path to JSON reframe machine configuration file, specific to a system. `--plots-config`, (`-pc`) Path to JSON plots configuration file, used to generate figures. If not provided, no plots will be generated. The plots configuration can also be included in the benchmark configuration file, under the "plots" field. `--benchmark-config`, (`-bc`) Paths to JSON benchmark configuration files In combination with `--dir`, specify only provide basenames for selecting JSON files. `--custom-rfm-config`, (`-rc`) Additional reframe configuration file to use instead of built-in ones. It should correspond the with the `--machine-config` specifications. `--dir`, (`-d`) Name of the directory containing JSON configuration files `--exclude`, (`-e`) To use in combination with `--dir`, mentioned files will not be launched. Only provide basenames to exclude. `--move-results`, (`-mv`) Directory to move the resulting files to. If not provided, result files will be located under the directory specified by the machine configuration. `--list-files`, (`-lf`) List all benchmarking configuration file found. If this option is provided, the application will not run. Use it for validation. `--verbose`, (`-v`) Select Reframe's verbose level by specifying multiple v's. `--help`, (`-h`) Display help and quit program `--website`, (`-w`) Render reports, compile them and create the website. `--dry-run` Execute ReFrame in dry-run mode. No tests will run, but the script to execute it will be generated in the stage directory. Config validation will be skipped, although warnings will be raised if bad.
When a benchmark is done, a website_config.json
file will be created (or updated) with the current filepaths of the reports and plots generated by the framework. If the --website
flag is active, the feelpp-benchmarking-render
command will be launched with this file as argument.
To render reports, a webiste configuration file is needed. This file indicates how the website views should be structured, and it indicates the hierarchy of the benchmarks.
A file of the same type is generated after a benchmark is launched, called website_config.json, and it is found at the root of the reports directory specified under the reports_base_dir
field of machine configuration file ( xref:tutorial:configfiles/machine.adoc).
Once this file is located, users can run the feelpp-benchmarking-render
command to render existing reports.
The script takes the following arguments:
`--config-file` (`-c`): The path of the website configuration file. `--remote-download-dir` (`-do`): [Optional] Path of the directory to download the reports to. Only relevant if the configuration file contains remote locations (only Girder is supported at the moment). `--modules-path` (`-m`): [Optional] Path to the Antora module to render the reports to. It defaults to _docs/modules/ROOT/pages_. Multiple directories will be recursively created under the provided path. `--overview-config` (`-oc`): Path to the overview figure configuration file. `--plot-configs` (`-pc`): Path the a plot configuration to use for a given benchmark. To be used along with --patch-reports `--patch-reports` (`-pr`) : Ids of the reports to path, the syntax of the id is machine:application:usecase:date e.g. gaya:feelpp_app:my_use_case:2024_11_05T01_05_32. It is possible to affect all reports in a component by replacing the machine, application, use_case or date by 'all'. Also, one can indicate to patch the latest report by replacing the date by 'latest'. If this option is not provided but plot-configs is, then the latest report will be patched (most recent report date) `--save-patches` (`-sp`) : If this flag is active, existing plot configurations will be replaced with the ones provided in patch-reports. `--website` (`-w`) : [Optional] Automatically compite the website and start an http server.