This is a Python-based license plate recognition system that uses OpenCV and machine learning technologies to automatically recognize Chinese license plates. The system supports license plate recognition in both images and real-time video streams, capable of identifying multiple types of plates including blue, green, and yellow plates.
- 支持图片和实时视频流识别 (Support both image and real-time video recognition)
- 支持多种车牌类型 (Support multiple plate types)
- 图形用户界面操作 (Graphical user interface)
- 高精度字符识别 (High-accuracy character recognition)
- 支持车牌颜色识别 (Support plate color recognition)
├── main_VLPR.py # 主程序入口文件 (Main entry file)
├── img_function.py # 图像处理核心功能 (Core image processing functions)
├── img_math.py # 图像数学处理函数 (Image mathematical processing)
├── img_recognition.py # 字符识别实现 (Character recognition implementation)
├── config.py # 配置文件 (Configuration file)
├── debug.py # 调试工具 (Debug utilities)
├── delete_files.py # 文件清理工具 (File cleanup utilities)
├── requirements.txt # 项目依赖文件 (Project dependencies)
├── svm.dat # SVM模型文件 (SVM model file)
├── svmchinese.dat # 中文字符识别模型 (Chinese character recognition model)
├── img/ # 图片资源目录 (Image resources directory)
├── test/ # 测试图片目录 (Test images directory)
│ └── Yes_img/ # 测试结果图片 (Test result images)
└── train/ # 训练数据目录 (Training data directory)
- Python 3.6+
- OpenCV 4.5.0+
- NumPy 1.19.0+
- scikit-learn 0.24.0+
- Pillow 8.0.0+
- 克隆项目 (Clone the project)
git clone [repository-url]
cd 车牌识别系统
- 创建并激活虚拟环境 (Create and activate virtual environment)
# Windows
python -m venv venv
# Linux/Mac
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- 安装依赖 (Install dependencies)
pip install -r requirements.txt
- 启动程序 (Start the program)
python main_VLPR.py
- 功能说明 (Function description)
- 选择图片文件进行识别 (Select image file for recognition)
- 启动摄像头实时识别 (Start camera for real-time recognition)
- 查看识别结果 (View recognition results)
图像预处理 (Image preprocessing)
- 灰度化 (Grayscale conversion)
- 降噪 (Noise reduction)
- 边缘检测 (Edge detection)
车牌定位 (License plate localization)
- 轮廓检测 (Contour detection)
- 矩形矫正 (Rectangle correction)
字符分割 (Character segmentation)
- 二值化 (Binarization)
- 连通域分析 (Connected component analysis)
字符识别 (Character recognition)
- SVM分类 (SVM classification)
- 字符验证 (Character verification)
- 确保安装了所有必要的依赖 (Ensure all necessary dependencies are installed)
- 图片要求清晰、光照适中 (Images should be clear with moderate lighting)
- 支持常见的图片格式如jpg、png等 (Supports common image formats like jpg, png)
本项目采用 MIT 许可证。详情请参见 LICENSE 文件。 This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.