Dependency Graph from Python imports (CARPORT).
pip install carport
from carport.core import ImportGraph
depg = ImportGraph(root = '..', project='carport')
# vars(depg)
# specify irrelevant modules
ignore_nodes = ['io', 'IPython', 'pprint', 'subprocess']
# export to dot string
dot = depg.to_dot(ignore_nodes=ignore_nodes)
'digraph {\n"carport.vis";\n"carport.core";\nnetworkx;\npathlib;\nast;\nkroki;\ngraphviz;\n"carport.vis" -> "carport.core" [key=0];\nnetworkx -> "carport.core" [key=0];\npathlib -> "carport.core" [key=0];\nast -> "carport.core" [key=0];\nkroki -> "carport.vis" [key=0];\ngraphviz -> "carport.vis" [key=0];\n}\n'
# draw graph with graphviz
dotg = depg.draw_dot(ignore_nodes=ignore_nodes)
# export to d2 string
d2 = depg.to_d2(ignore_nodes=ignore_nodes)
'\n vars: { \n d2-config: { \n layout-engine: elk \n } \n }\n direction: right\n **.style.border-radius: 99\n *.style.font: mono\n \npathlib -> carport.core\ngraphviz -> carport.vis\nsubprocess -> carport.vis\nast -> carport.core\ncarport.vis -> carport.core\nkroki -> carport.vis\nnetworkx -> carport.core\nio -> carport.core\nIPython -> carport.vis\nio: null\nIPython: null\npprint: null\nsubprocess: null'
# draw graph with d2 or kroki
d2g = depg.draw_d2(ignore_nodes=ignore_nodes, app='d2')
# for large graphs, you can use gravis
#! pip install gravis
import networkx as nx
import gravis as gv
g = depg.to_nx(ignore_nodes=ignore_nodes)
layout = nx.circular_layout(g, scale=4*len(g)**1.05)
for node_id, (x, y) in layout.items():
node = g.nodes[node_id]
node['x'], node['y'] = x, y
gv.d3(g, edge_curvature=1, node_hover_neighborhood = True, use_edge_size_normalization=True)
[] imports concerning
[] py_d2
to d2 (like graphviz
to graphviz)
import-deps: Github
pydeps: Github
snakefood3: Github
kroki: online editor, python-interface
D2: doc, online editor, python-interface
Copyright © 2024 onward Felidz. All rights reserved, with certain parts of the project specifically licensed and subject to different terms and conditions, e.g., source code of the project under the Apache-2.0 license; you may not use this project except in compliance with the license.
BibTeX citation:
author = {Felidz},
title = {Carport},
year = {2024},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{}}