const { HDPoolPublicApi } = require('hdpool-api');
const client = new HDPoolPublicApi();
(async () => {
await client.init();
const poolStats = await client.getPoolStats();
const loginCodeResponse = await client.getLoginCode(); // Retrieve login code png
const loginResponse = await client.login('example@mail.tld', 'mypassword', '123456');
client.onBestMiningInfo(bestMiningInfo => {
// Do stuff
const { HDPoolAccountApi } = require('hdpool-api');
const userId = 12345;
const sessionKey = 'rOw7vZuqaC0GbapWGxeUECwLfDJaE2J74aCrmgnRfroolPuMOZUX7GotMRsy';
const client = new HDPoolAccountApi(userId, sessionKey);
(async () => {
await client.init();
const userInfo = await client.getUserInfo();
const earningsStats = await client.getEarningsStats();
const miners = await client.getMiners();
const pledgeState = await client.getPledgeState();
const boundPlotter = await client.getBoundPlotter();
const depositHistory = await client.getDepositHistory();
const withdrawHistory = await client.getWithdrawHistory();
const earningsHistory = await client.getEarningsHistory();
const expectedEarningsHistory = await client.getExpectedEarningsHistory();
const poolStats = await client.getPoolStats();
const nextFreePaymentDate = await client.getNextFreePaymentDate(); // When we can send a payout without paying fees
await client.withdraw(Math.round(5 * Math.pow(10, 8)), 'some code'); // withdraw 5 BHD
await client.cancelWithdraw(1234); // Cancel the withdraw with id 1234
const depositAddr= await client.getDepositAddr(); // retrieve your deposit addr
client.onBestMiningInfo(bestMiningInfo => {
// Do stuff
const { HDPoolMiningApi } = require('hdpool-api');
const accountKey = 'dpvwfv34-xprf-15t2xwb12o8yglm4palf55';
const minerName = 'Miner 1';
const capacityInGB = 512;
const client = new HDPoolMiningApi(accountKey, minerName, capacityInGB);
(async () => {
await client.init();
const miningInfo = await client.getMiningInfo();
client.onMiningInfo(miningInfo => {
// Do stuff
client.submitNonce('12297078971021390907', 143779, '111137519053', 81);
- Login to hdpool
- Open the dev console (F12) and enter
into the console - Copy the uid (userId) and key (sessionKey) values