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(1) Press key to record audio; (2) Speak a word to microphone; (3) Finally, see the classification result on GUI and ROS topic.


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ROS Package for Speech Commands Classification

Environment: Ubuntu 18.04, ROS melodic.

(1) Press R to record audio.
(2) Speak a word to your laptop's microphone.
(3) The program classifies your word, publishes result to ROS topic, and displays result on GUI.

Classes: one, two, three, four, five, front, back, left, right, stop, none


Table of Contents:

1. How to run

1.1. Install Dependencies

Install python libraries.

  • pynput is for keyboard I/O.
  • soundfile, sounddevice, libsndfile1 is for audio I/O and audio processing.
  • librosa is also for processing audios.
  • gtts is for synthesizing audio.
$ sudo pip2 install matplotlib sklearn scipy numpy opencv-python jupyter future-fstrings
$ sudo pip2 install pynput soundfile sounddevice librosa gtts pyttsx pyttsx3  

Then, install pytorch: Please go to and install the one that matches with your computer. For me, I'm using the version: Stable(1.3), Linux, Pip, Python 2.7, CUDA 10.1:

$ sudo pip install torch torchvision # or pip2

1.2. Download This Project

Download to your ROS workspace:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone
$ cd ros_speech_commands_classification
$ export ROOT="$PWD"

1.3. Classify Audio from Microphone in ROS

$ rosrun ros_speech_commands_classification
$ rostopic echo /ros_speech_commands_classification/predicted_label
$ rostopic echo /ros_speech_commands_classification/predicted_probability

After running the ROS Node, a GUI will pop out. Then, you need to:

  • Click the GUI.
  • Press the keyboard key R to start recording audio.
  • Speak a word.
  • Release R to stop recording.
  • The result will be displayed on the GUI, and published to the ROS topics.

Please see for more details.

A snapshot of the GUI is shown below.

1.4. Classify Audio from Microphone not in ROS

  • GUI version:

    $ python src/

    The usage is the same as the ROS version.

  • Terminal version:

    $ python src/

    Instead of GUI, you need to press R inside the terminal. The result will be printed onto the terminal, as well as being shouted out by your laptop's speaker.
    For example, if you said one but the program thinks it's front, then the speaker will say one is front.

1.5. Classify Audio Files

One audio file:

$ python src/ --data_folder test_data/audio_front.wav
$ python src/ --data_folder test_data/audio_three.wav

A folder of audios:

$ python src/ --data_folder data/data_train/three

The audio file should end with .wav.

2. Train the Model

I will describe the procedures of how I trained this audio classifier.

If you want to train your own model, change the classes in config/classes.names and the data in data/data_train/, and run python/src/ For more details, please see Section 2.2 Finetune on My Dataset.

2.1. Pretrain on a Big Dataset

2.1.1. Download dataset

The LSTM model is pretrained on a public dataset called Speech Commands Dataset, which has 105k audio clips (3.3GB) and 35 classes.

Download this dataset from here. Unzip it, and copy it to the ${ROOT}/data/kaggle/ folder like this:

├── backward
├── bed
├── bird

I used kaggle as folder name because Kaggle once hold a competition using this dataset.

2.2.2. Train

In src/, the data folder and the classes have already been set:

args.data_folder = "data/kaggle/"
args.classes_txt = "config/classes_kaggle.names" 

Data label format: All audios of the label cat is put under the folder data/kaggle/cat/, and so does dog, bird, etc..

Start training:

$ python src/ 

The model will be saved to checkpoints/ after every epoch of training. The training settings and accuracy are also saved to the folder:

├── fig.jpg
├── log.txt
├── 000.ckpt
├── 001.ckpt
├── 002.ckpt

The model converges after 25 epochs of about 15 hours.

Then, you need to move the checkpoint with highest accuracy, e.g. checkpoints/023.ckpt, to weights/kaggle.ckpt.

2.2.3. Result

  • Settings

    num_epochs          : 25
    learning_rate       : 0.001
    train_eval_test_ratio: [0.9, 0.1, 0.0]
    aug = Aug([        
        Aug.Shift(rate=0.2, keep_size=False), 
        Aug.PadZeros(time=(0, 0.3)),
        Aug.Amplify(rate=(0.2, 1.5)),
        # Aug.PlaySpeed(rate=(0.7, 1.3), keep_size=False),
                        prob_noise=0.7, intensity=(0, 0.7)),
    ], prob_to_aug=0.8)
  • Result

  • Analysis

    • Since epoch 23 gives the highest testing accuracy of 92.4%, the corresponding weight checkpoints/023.ckpt file is used for finetuning.

    • Testing accuracy is higher than training accuracy because the training set were data augmented and were harder to classify.

    • The optimizer is Adam, and its weight decay should be set as 0, as described by some tutorial.

2.2 Finetune on My Dataset

2.2.1. Data and Pretrained Model

The training data (data/data_train/) and the pretrained model (weights/kaggle.ckpt) are already included in the repo.

Labels: See config/classes.names:


Data label format: All audios of the label front is put under the folder data/data_train/front/, and so does one, two, etc..

How to record your own audios:

python utils/ -h
python utils/

Press key R to start recording. Recorded audio will be saved to: data/data_tmp/*.wav

2.2.2. Train

In src/, the (1) classes, (2) training data, and (3) pretrained model have been set as:

args.classes_txt = "config/classes.names" 
args.data_folder = "data/data_train/"
args.load_weight_from = "weights/kaggle.ckpt"

Start training:

python src/src/

The model will be saved to checkpoints/ after every epoch of training. The training settings and accuracy are also saved to the folder:

├── fig.jpg
├── log.txt
├── 000.ckpt
├── 001.ckpt
├── 002.ckpt

The model converges after 10 epochs of about 2 minutes.

Then, you need to move the checkpoint with highest accuracy, e.g. checkpoints/009.ckpt, to weights/my.ckpt.

2.2.3. Result

  • Settings

    num_epochs          : 10
    learning_rate       : 0.001
    train_eval_test_ratio: [0.7, 0.3, 0.0]
    aug = Aug([
        Aug.Shift(rate=0.2, keep_size=False), 
        Aug.PadZeros(time=(0, 0.3)),
        Aug.Amplify(rate=(0.5, 1.2)),
    ], prob_to_aug=0.8)
  • Result Move the checkpoint with highest accuracy, i.e. checkpoints/009.ckpt, to weights/my.ckpt.

3. Algorithm

3.1. Overview

Feature: MFCCs (Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients) are computed from the audio. You can think of this feature as the result of fouriour transformation. See utils/

Classifier: LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory). This is a type of Recurrent Neural Network. See utils/

Pretrain: The model was pretrained on the Speech Commands Dataset with intensive data augmentation techniques, including shift, amplify, superpose noise, etc.

Finetune: The model was then finetuned on my own dataset.

3.2. Feature

The MFCCs feature is computed and fed into the classifer. An intuitive understanding of MFCCs is: Use a sliding window on the raw data, and compute the fourior transform of each window to obtain the "loudness" on each frequency band.

The function for computing MFCCs is in utils/

def compute_mfcc(data, sample_rate, n_mfcc=12):
    return librosa.feature.mfcc(y=data, sr=sample_rate, n_mfcc=n_mfcc)

Test and plot:

$ python test/

3.3. Data Augmentation

Raw data goes through a serials of augmentation before training, including:

  • Shift
  • Pad zeros
  • Amplify
  • Change play speed
  • Superpose noise

This step is essential. Raw audios in Speech Commands Dataset are all about one second long, and have little background noise. It can easily cause overfitting. Thus, I augmented data by adding noise, changing audio length, loudness, etc.

Example code of audio augmentation:

# Initialize the augmenter.
# Specify a parameter's range for generating a random augmentation.
Aug = lib_augment.Augmenter
aug = Aug([
    # shift data for 0~0.2 percent of the total length
    Aug.Shift(rate=(0, 0.2), keep_size=False),
    Aug.PadZeros(time=(0, 0.3)),  # pad zeros at one side for 0~0.3 seconds
    Aug.Amplify(rate=(0.2, 1.5)),  # amplify loudness by 0.2~1.5
    Aug.PlaySpeed(rate=(0.7, 1.3), keep_size=False),  # change play speed
    Aug.Noise(  # Superpose noise.
        # (Noise files are pre-load and normalized)
        noise_folder="data/noises/", prob_noise=1.0, intensity=(0, 0.7)),
], prob_to_aug=1.0,  # probability to do this augmentation

audio_1 = lib_datasets.AudioClass(filename="test_data/audio_front.wav")
audio_2 = copy.deepcopy(audio_1)
aug(audio_2)  # Augment audio.

Test file:

python test/


3.4. Result

The test accuracy is 92.4% on Speech Commands Dataset, with a random 0.9/0.1 train/test split.

The model was then finetuned and evaluated on my own dataset of 1378 samples, with all the parameters fixed except the last fully connected layer.
The test accuracy is 100.0%, with a random 0.7/0.3 train/test split.
The result is kind of overfitting, because almost all the data (audio files) are from me and are to some extent similar to each other.

If you want to use this repo for your own course project, you may need to record audios of your own voice, and then train the model, as described in Section 2.2. Finetune on My Dataset.

4. Reference


(1) Press key to record audio; (2) Speak a word to microphone; (3) Finally, see the classification result on GUI and ROS topic.








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