A step progress bar to vizualize the progress of a online from.
Use npm to install step-progress-bar.
npm install
Name the id of the container div "step-progress-bar". The bar adapts to the container div. You can simply call drawStepProgressBar() with the default settings or you can pass your own settings as follows:
// demo input
let dataInput = {
steps: [
text: "1",
status: "visited", // ["visited", "selected", "silent"],
url: "www.google.de"
text: "2",
status: "visited", // ["visited", "selected", "silent"],
url: "www.google.de"
text: "3",
status: "selected", // ["visited", "selected", "silent"]
url: "www.google.de"
text: "4",
status: "silent", // ["visited", "selected", "silent"]
url: "www.google.de"
dimensionsInput = {
width: 300,
height: 100,
margin: {
top: 50,
right: 25,
bottom: 50,
left: 25
bar: {
height: 5,
rx: 5
circle: {
r: 20,
strokeWidth: 5
colorInput = {
link: "#000000", // link
selected: "green", // selected
silent: "#cccccc", // silent
white: "#ffffff",
styleInput = {
fontFamily: "Arial Black",
fontSize: 15
// -- draw bar for the first time --
drawStepProgressBar(dataInput, dimensions, colorInput, styleInput);
- Felix Knorre felix-knorre@hotmail.de