This release refines the integral menu and adds a new rotational volume menu. Besides some bugs were fixed and some changes to UX (user experience) were done. All changes were made by Felix Wittwer.
What is new?
- hide functions after use in program (fix issue #33)
- find unknown height within Rotationsvolumen (fix issue #32)
- Mathematial Error at sequence command (fix issue #31)
- Add Rotationsvolumen for Objects cosisting of two functions (fix issue #30)
- Add Rotationsvolumen calculation between two functions (fix issue #29)
- Ebenengleichungen asks for to many inputs (fix issue #28)
- Fix dimension error when there area intersection points (fix issue #27)
- Add settings menu (fix issue #26)
- find unknown parameters of function with integral menu (fix issue #25)
- adding multiple Standardabweichungen von Erwartungswert (fix issue #23)
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