This is a simple browser extension I wrote for personal use to send submissions to Hydrus via API. It adds a small button to the submission title in classic layout, saying something like
- Put your Hydrus importer credentials in
- Install like
- 600 means OK (import := 200 + add urls := 200 + add notes := 200)
- In order to display imported urls in the media viewer you can,
- import
withhydrus main window -> network -> downloader components -> manage url classes -> import -> from json files
- or just enable
hydrus main window -> network -> downloaders -> manage downloader and url display -> media viewer urls -> show urls that do not have a matching url class?
- import
- Only tested in Google Chrome.
- This has to be an extension and cannot only be an injected script (e.g. Tampermonkey) due to CORS policy.