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This tutorial describes how to install the Miniflux RSS feed reader on your Dokku installation.


This requires a working installation of Dokku, the Postgres plugin for Dokku dokku-postgres and the dokku-letsencrypt plugin.


Run these commands on your Dokku server.

Prepare Dokku

Setup application and database.

# Create application and database
dokku apps:create miniflux
# Keep the Postgres DSN output for the Miniflux configuration settings later
dokku postgres:create miniflux
dokku postgres:link miniflux miniflux

Configure Dokku application settings

# Set the DATABASE_URL from the previous DSN `dokku postgres:create miniflux` output
# dokku config:set miniflux DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:5c16cb123123cc@dokku-postgres-miniflux:5432/miniflux
dokku config:set miniflux RUN_MIGRATIONS=1
dokku config:set miniflux CREATE_ADMIN=1
# Configure your custom username here
dokku config:set miniflux ADMIN_USERNAME=<SET_YOUR_USERNAME>
# Configure your custom password here
dokku config:set miniflux ADMIN_PASSWORD=<SET_YOUR_USERNAME>

Configure Dokku port settings

dokku ports:set miniflux http:80:8080


dokku git:from-image miniflux miniflux/miniflux:latest

You should be now able to open your Miniflux app via: (check dokku output).
If it didn't succeed, check dokku logs miniflux.

Configure letsencrypt

dokku letsencrypt:enable miniflux

Now Miniflux should be reachable via If that's not the case, check the letsencrypt plugin output.