- This folder contain all files that's need to perform different operations
- Need Linux Operating system if you are using Windows the INSTALL WSL or VM
- goto file directory
- Write make command into terminal, So we get TWO executable file server and client
-First server file needs to be run by writing command ./server into terminal
-For client file we need give some command line arguments.
1st argu will be '-t' or '-u' here -t indicate 'TCP' and -u indicate 'UDP'
2nd argu will be message code (i.e. 1,2 like wise), its depend on user what operation need to perform
3rd sequence number
command-->{ ./client (type) (operation need to perform) (seq num) }
i.e. ./client -t 1 2 --> Here Used Request to Perform Doubly Linked List Operation.
- Doubly Linked List Operation
- Multi-threading Operation
- Fork Operation
- IPC Mechanism
No command line arguments requires server file