Several routines programmed in Matlab. They mostly include simulation and optimization methods that mainly rely on Fourier theory and Linear Algebra.
Most of the routines were written during my stay as an exchange student at EPFL during the academic year 2019-2020. Other routines could be related to projects I have worked on, yet they are all hopefully useful in a general context. Having said this, the problems where these codes might be useful include:
- Fourier analysis
- Spectral and Cepstral computations
- Berry phase for lattice dislocations
- Solution to a Non-linear Schrödinger's equation
- Linear Algebra
- Solution to linear systems
- Eigenvalue characterization for quantum mechanics problems (e.g. Landau Levels)
- Optimization of high dimensional problems
- Iterative Schmidt decomposition for tensor network states
- Other
- Some Mathematical functions for repeated efficient computation in Matlab
Please note that codes should be taken as illustrative for educational purposes and thus are not optimized routines for a particular problem.
If you have any comment or question regarding any code found here, feel free to send me an email in the following address:
[1] Oleg Yazyev. Lectures on computational physics 3. PHYS-332, 2020.
[2] Jeanne Colbois. Matrix product states: iterative schmidt decomposition of a wavefunction. 2020.