Here, I show a web & mobile app named HayEquipo that retrieves data from a GoogleSheets. The project was inspired by a project that Gonzalo Pozzo had done a few weeks ago using NextJS.
The idea is to integrate GoogleSheet to a framework (React or Flutter), and the first step starts by using an spreadsheet file on Google Drive where each soccer match event contains information about the match in columns: date|Team 1|goals|Team 2|goals. The file is loaded by fetching a *.tsv file in the app and then used to create a new squad of players for the next event.
I built two version, one written with Flutter and other with React.
The flutter version implementes the MVC architecture design pattern and GetX for the state management.
This is the link to the Flutter Web version: HayEquipoFL
This is the link to the code: GitHubFL
The ReactJS version implements ReactRouter to handle routing and ReactBootstrap to syle the app.