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Repository to store attempted python exercises


Resources related to software engineering (and some thoughts)

Decision tables:

  • Could decision tables be related to constraint solvers and model checkers ?

Z3 solver:

  • A SMT solver that can produce multiple solutions by setting constraints.

Dramatically Reducing Software Vulnerabilities (2016) on formal methods:

  • Software analysis approaches based on mathematics and logic include parsing, type checking, correctness proofs, model-based development and correct-by-construction.
  • Advances in algorithms for solving Boolean Satisfiability(SAT) problems, satisfiability modulo theories(SMT) and reasoning models(e.g., abstract interpretation and separation logic) dramatically slashed resources required to answer questions about software.
  • Model checkers can be used to check for vulnerabilities and potential bugs in the system.
  • However, formal methods are less effective if there are no clear software requirements or what constitutes as the expected behaviour.

Sound Static Program Analysis

  • Static analysis: Examination of software for specific properties without executing it.
  • Heuristic analysis: Trial-and-error
  • Hybrid is potentially better as it can check for properties that are absent in the individual analysis
  • Source code analysis: self-explanatory; most mature

Model Checkers, SAT Solvers and Other "Light Weight" Decision Algorithms

  • These algorithms can answer questions about desirable higher level properties.
  • These algorithms can also be applied to analyze detailed design artifacts, such as finite (and infinite) state machines.
  • In other words; constraint solvers.
  • However, a potential issue is the size of the problem.

Assertions, Pre- and Postconditions, Invariants, Aspects and Contracts

  • Automated aids, such as Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement(CEGAR), can help produce statements. These statements are activated("compiled in") during development and testing, then may be deactivated before release.
  • Tests may be generated directly from assertions.
  • However, must check that preconditions do not conflict with the model checker constraints.

Correct-by-Construction and Model-Based Development

  • Behaviour may be specified in a higher-level or domain-specific language or model, and then code is automatically generated.
  • Keyword: code synthesis, test suites or oracles

Directory of Verified Tools and Verified Code

  • As a code or "live" instantiation of a repository, the Open Web Application Security Project(OWASP) foundation coordinated a project to develop a shared application program interface (API) that encapsulated key security operation, called Enterprise Security API (ESAPI).


Repository to store attempted python exercises






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