Today I had some issues compiling the Havoc Client on my MacOS, and after finding very little content to help, I decided to create this repository to assist others who might be facing the same problem on their MacOS.
Well, I will only talk about the Client because that was the only one I had trouble with, and the only one I needed, as my teamserver is on another Ubuntu server.
brew install cmake qt@5 python@3.10 && brew link --overwrite qt@5
git clone
After cloning the Havoc repository, go to the client and external folders with your terminal, and delete everything.
cd Havoc/client/external && rm -rf *
git clone && \
git clone && \
git clone && \
git clone && \
cd toml11 && git checkout tags/v3.0.0 && cd ..

Comment out the code in the screenshot above and configure each folder for the dependencies you cloned into the external folder. It should look something like this:

$ ./client/Havoc client