The configuration checker (CChecker) helps at checking for the conformance of configuration with regards to its specification in the BtrPlace constraint catalog.
Maintainer: Fabien Hermenier -
CChecker is a Java application that relies on maven 3 to manage its build. So a maven environment is supposed to be installed and configured on the local machine. Below are the basics to build CChecker from sources, once you are in the sources' root directory.
- To compile the sources:
configChecker $ mvn compile
- To perform the unit tests:
configChecker $ mvn test
- To generate the standalone distribution:
configChecker $ mvn assembly:assembly
- To package the jar:
configChecker $ mvn package
- - this file
- CHANGES.txt - the versions history
- pom.xml - project configuration file for maven
- src - source files
- target - output directory
CChecker relies on ANTLR to check for the configuration conformance. So the ANTLR grammar, located in src/antlr3, is compiled into java source code into target/generated-sources/antlr3. So in your favorite IDE, you must consider src/main/java, src/test/java, and target/generated-sources/antlr3 as source folders.
This repository use this branching model. In practice
- the master branch is dedicated to production-ready code
- the develop branch is the integration branch for the next release
Other branches may either be either typed as feature branches, release branches, or hotfix branches. Feature branches branch off from the develop branch. They bring the new material to the application. Release branches branch from the develop branch to prepare the next release. At this step, it is a quick branching to prepare a few files for the next version. Typically, updating the versions hard-coded in some files. Release branches are merged with the develop branch and the master branch. Finally, hotfix branches appliced critical fixes for the master branch.
All the tags are performed directly on the master branch.
Copyright 2012 INRIA, Inc.