A web application to manage final internships at Polytech.
- A postgreSQL database
- Golang
- GoDep to handle the dependencies
- node.js to build the frontend
- gulp to manage installation workflow
go get github.com/pierrre/gotestcover
go get github.com/tools/godep
In your $GOPATH
git clone https://github.com/fhermeni/wints.git src/github.com/fhermeni/wints # to get the source
cd src/github.com/fhermeni/wints/; godep restore # to restore the dependencies.
go install github.com/fhermeni/wints/wintsd # to build the executable.
-conf string
Wints configuration file (default "wints.conf")
Do not send emails. Print them out stdout
install the database
-new-root string
Invite a root user
launches the daemon. For test purposes, it is preferable to launch it with the--fakeMailer
option to prevent to send mails (they will be logged into logs/mailer... instead)
go test -x -v -tags=integration -bench BenchmarkInternships -cpuprofile=cpu.prof
to run in development mode: ./dev.sh
--> server on https://localhost:8999