Configurable build tasks for Polymer applications.
Bootlicker is a collection of gulp tasks which helps organize and build your Polymer applications. It aims to abstract many of the annoyances around tooling and provides a simplier, configurable alternative.
When using the Bootlicker registry, it will add default tasks to your
import gulp from 'gulp';
import Bootlicker from 'polymer-bootlicker';
// register bootlicker
gulp.registry(new Bootlicker(config));
Now exposes the default tasks.
gulp --tasks
Default path configuration
paths: {
app: './app',
bower: './bower_components',
components: './app/components/**/*',
dist: './dist',
fragments: './app/components/elements.html',
fonts: './app/fonts/**/*',
images: './app/**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg,gif}',
local: './dist/local',
locales: './locales',
scripts: './app/**/*.js',
styles: './app/**/*.css',
tests: './test'
You may define a custom configuration which will extend the base configuration.
// custom configuration
let config = {
paths: {
dist: './build',
local: './build/local'
gulp.registry(new Bootlicker(config));
Build the local version of the application.
gulp build
Copy all build resources and html assets into build directory.
gulp build:copy
Build the distributable version of the application. This includes optimization and minification of assets.
gulp build:dist
Serve the local version of the application.
gulp serve
Serve the distributable version of the application.
gulp serve:dist
Run wct locally.
gulp test:local
Run wct on saucelabs.
gulp test:sauce
Additional tasks are available
gulp font:copy
Copy bower assets to distribution folder.
gulp html:bower:copy
Copy components to distribution folder.
gulp html:components:copy
Polybuild html assets. polybuild
gulp html:polybuild
Copy views to distribution folder.
gulp html:views:copy
Process html view assets. sourcemap
gulp html:views:process
Translate asset files. gulp-i18n-localize
gulp i18n:translate
Copy and process images. imagemin
gulp image:copy
Copy and process scripts. eslint
gulp script:copy
Start a server instance.
gulp server:serve
Reload server instance.
gulp server:reload
Copy and process stylesheets. autoprefix
gulp style:copy
Copy test assets into temporary test folder.
gulp test:copy
Run tests locally. wct
gulp test:local
Run test on remote. wct
gulp test:remote
Clean temporary folders.
gulp tidy
Clean distribution folder.
gulp tidy:dist
Clean temporary test folders.
gulp tidy:tests