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🔒 Vaultex

A very simple elixir client that authenticates, reads, writes, and deletes secrets from HashiCorp's Vault. As listed on Vault Libraries.


The package can be installed as:

  1. Add vaultex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:vaultex, "~> 0.8"}]
  1. Ensure vaultex is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:vaultex]]


You can configure your vault endpoint with a single environment variable:


Or a single application variable:

  • :vaultex, :vault_addr

An example value for VAULT_ADDR is

Alternatively the vault endpoint can be specified with environment variables:


Or application variables:

  • :vaultex, :host
  • :vaultex, :port
  • :vaultex, :scheme

These default to localhost, 8200, http respectively.

You can skip SSL certificate verification with :vaultex, vault_ssl_verify: true option or VAULT_SSL_VERIFY=true environment variable.

If you do want to use SSL verification, set the VAULT_CACERT environment variable to the SSL certificate location. (See the Vault documentaion for more details.)


To read a secret you must provide the path to the secret and the authentication backend and credentials you will use to login. See the Vaultex.Client.auth/2 docs for supported auth backends.

Authenticate to different authentication backends.

iex> Vaultex.Client.auth(:app_id, {app_id, user_id})
iex> Vaultex.Client.auth(:userpass, {username, password})
iex> Vaultex.Client.auth(:ldap, {username, password})
iex> Vaultex.Client.auth(:github, {github_token})
iex> Vaultex.Client.auth(:approle, {role_id, secret_id})
iex> Vaultex.Client.auth(:token, {token})
iex> Vaultex.Client.auth(:kubernetes, %{jwt: "jwt", role: "role"})
iex> Vaultex.Client.auth(:radius, %{username: "user", password: "password"})
iex> Vaultex.Client.auth(:aws_iam, {role, server})

Reading secret from authenticated backends.

iex> "secret/bar", :github, {github_token}
{:ok, %{"value" => bar"}}

iex> Vaultex.Client.read_dynamic "secret/dynamic/bar", :github, {github_token}
  "data" => %{"value" => "bar"},
  "lease_duration" => 60,
  "lease_id" => "secret/dynamic/foo/b4z",
  "renewable" => true

Additional actions on the secret.

iex> Vaultex.Client.renew_lease("secret/dynamic/foo/b4z", 100, :github, {github_token})
  "lease_id" => "secret/dynamic/foo/b4z",
  "lease_duration" => 160,
  "renewable" => true

iex> Vaultex.Client.write "secret/foo", %{"value" => "bar"}, :app_id, {app_id, user_id}

iex> Vaultex.Client.delete "secret/foo", :app_id, {app_id, user_id}

Notes for aws_iam method

The AWS IAM authentication method requires you to have ExAws installed as a dependency and correctly configured. No additional ExAws modules are required. For more details see the Vault AWS docs.

  • If role id set to nil Vault will try to infer the vault role to use.
  • server may be set to nil or to the value to pass in the X-Vault-AWS-IAM-Server-ID header.


To release you need to bump the version and add some changes to the change log, you can do this with:

mix eliver.bump