released this
22 Jan 13:25
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🚀 Enhancements
api: Build trip add route (#3 )
pages: Create NewTripForm page for creating new trips (18382dc )
ui: Add Calendar, Form, Label, and Popover components from shadcnui (fe5ffc2 )
ui: Implement CurrencyInput component (8d75075 )
trips: Trips add and delete (#5 )
🩹 Fixes
trips: Prevent unnecessary refetching on window focus (fd0513c )
trips: Prevent unnecessary refetching on window focus (dfc4323 )
Should fix tests on windows (503c0f7 )
Correct absolute path mistake (e261bad )
layout: Update link to point to the new trips search path (d4c7b98 )
schema: Enforce minimum price validation and add NewTripInputSchema (ec4ee62 )
💅 Refactors
pages: Reorganize trips pages for better hierarchy (823f209 )
structure: Move the search folder to trips for better hierarchy (089ba3e )
prettier: Clean up prettierrc (705af1e )
🏡 Chore
Federated trips are separate step (1e4f5c5 )
css: Update shadcn variable (14601ce )
config: Add .prettierrc for better Windows compatibility (202cb12 )
vscode: Configure Prettier settings for consistent code formatting (e9b81b2 )
Fix vscode prettier config path (c8a711e )
Move deps versions to workspace catalog (27f5176 )
❤️ Contributors
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