A basic statusline for Neovim.
Baseline is an extremely fast (negligible start-up time), small (~100 LoC), pure Lua, minimal statusline for Neovim. It is close to stock, with additional mode display and opportunistic Git branch and buffer-specific clean or dirty state. Modes are shown by default in a short form, somewhat Helix-style; this is configurable.
It displays mode, relative file path, modification flags, Git branch if available, buffer, filetype, line, column, total lines and percentage, in order.
Git integration is optional, via lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim (the only dependency). If missing the Git information is omitted.
It is not required to call setup
. This is only useful if you want to override the default options.
require("baseline").setup {}
optionally takes a table with a modes
element, a map of mode strings to names, which can be used to override how the mode is displayed.
See :h mode()
for what mode strings exist.
For example, invoke with
require("baseline").setup {
modes = {n = "Normal"}
to display Normal
when in normal mode.
Modes are displayed in highlight groups of the form StatusLineModeX
where X
is Normal
, Insert
, Visual
, Replace
, Command
, Terminal
or Unknown
If we enter a mode that we do not know about, it will pass the raw mode string to the statusline and, if its prefix does not match existing mode strings (i.e. we cannot infer that it is a variant of a known mode), display it with the StatusLineModeUnknown
highlight group.
This is for the edge case where Neovim may in future introduce new modes.
We make no attempt to style these highlight groups, only to expose them. Use something like
local highlights = {
StatusLineModeNormal = {fg = "Black", bg = "NvimDarkBlue", bold = true},
StatusLineModeInsert = {fg = "Black", bg = "Green", bold = true},
StatusLineModeVisual = {fg = "Black", bg = "NvimDarkGrey4", bold = true},
StatusLineModeReplace = {fg = "Black", bg = "NvimDarkRed", bold = true},
StatusLineModeCommand = {fg = "NvimLightGrey4", bg = "Grey8", bold = true},
StatusLineModeTerminal = {link = "StatusLineModeCommand"},
StatusLineModeUnknown = {fg = "Black", bg = "DarkOrange3", bold = true}
for group, options in pairs(highlights) do
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, group, options)
for colours relatively consistent with the default theme.