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Murilo Mielke edited this page Jun 6, 2016 · 1 revision

cwRepair lets you define a durability% to consider a gear "good" and easily repair the bads when visiting a repair shop.

New Button

When you open a repair window, a new button will be at the top allowing you to select all the gears that have durability% lower than that at once.

Minimum Value

  • /rep min $value let you define the minimum durability% used on the check that decides if a gear is "good" or not (Ex: $value = 30). The value only makes sense between 0 and 100. This value is used on the new button!

Auto Repair

* /rep auto on/off let you enable/disable that check to happen as soon as you open the repair window so it automatically select every gear that is below the minimum% and rapidly asks you if you really want to repair them. One click it's all it takes!
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