- Inserts Terraform command tasks for each listed in commands parameter. e.g. - init, - plan, - validate, - apply, - destroy
- Terraform commands run in the order listed in the commands parameter
- Commands parameter is a list object where each item key is the command and value is commandOptions. e.g. commands: - apply: '-var="foo=bar"'
- Set task options and command flags for each Terraform command
- Optionally insert Terraform install task
- Commands:
- init
- plan
- validate
- apply: '-var="$(variableKey)=$(variableValue)"
- destroy
# - template: for Terraform steps
- template: steps/deploy/terraformTemplate.yaml
# parameters: within terraformTemplate.yaml template
# preSteps: Optional: inserts stepList after checkout and download
- script: echo add stepList of tasks into steps
terraformVersion: '0.12.3' # Optional, the version of Terraform which should be installed on the agent if not already present. Omit terraformVersion parameter to skip task
# provider: azurerm # azurerm (default) | aws | gcp
serviceConnection: serviceConnectionName # Required service connection name for provider
# commands: list of Terraform command tasks executed serially in order. -command: commandOptions
- init
- plan: '-var "foo=bar"'
- validate
- apply: '-var "foo=bar"'
- destroy
condition: failed()
workingDirectory: $(Build.Repository.LocalPath) # Directory containing the Terraform configuration files
# AzureRM Provider Terraform Storage Backend
resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName # Required for AzurRM provider, the name of the resource group which contains the storage account selected below.
storageAccountName: storageAccountName # Required for AzurRM provider, the name of the storage account which contains the Azure Blob container selected below.
containerName: containerName # Required for AzurRM provider, the name of the Azure Blob container in which to store the Terraform remote state file.
backendKey: 'terraform.tfstate' # The path to the Terraform remote state file inside the container. Used for azurerm and aws provider
# bucketName: bucketName # Required for AWS or GCP provider, the name of the Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3) bucket or GCP storage bucket for storing the Terraform remote state file.
# publishPlan: '$(Build.BuildNumber)_$(System.StageName)_$(Agent.JobName)_OutputPlan' # Default publish artifact name for $(jsonPlanFilePath)
# publishVariables: '$(Build.BuildNumber)_$(System.StageName)_$(Agent.JobName)_OutputVariables' # Default publish artifact for $(jsonOutputVariablesPath)
# publishEnabled: false # Disable the publish task, default true. Publishes the testResultsFolder
replaceTokens: true # Optional to enable replace tokens task for variable replacement
replaceTokensTargets: '**.tf*' # Target file match pattern for replace tokens task
# postSteps: Optional: inserts stepList before the publish and clean steps
- script: echo add stepList of tasks into steps
The following example shows how to insert the terraformTemplate steps template into the stages template. This pattern would deploy each of the templates in the terraformDeployments list with multiple jobs in parallel or with dependencies.
name: $(Build.Repository.Name)_$(Build.SourceVersion)_$(Build.SourceBranchName) # name is the format for $(Build.BuildNumber)
# params to pass into stages.yaml template
- name: terraformVersion # The version of Terraform which should be installed on the agent if not already present
type: string
default: '0.12.3'
- name: terraformDeployments
type: object
- deployment: 'terraformTemplate1' # deployment name must be unique
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/template1'
- deployment: 'terraformTemplate2' # deployment name must be unique
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/template2'
- deployment: 'terraformTemplate3' # deployment name must be unique
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/template3'
# Example when terraformTemplate3 dependsOn terraformTemplate1 and terraformTemplate2 succeeded
- terraformTemplate1
- terraformTemplate2
- name: terraformCommands # Default Terraform commands to execute in this order. Set value for command for commandOptions, - command: commandOptions | e.g. - apply: '-var "foo=bar"'
type: object
- init
- plan
- apply
- name: azureSubscription # Default Azure Subscription service connection name for all jobs
type: string
default: ''
- name: resourceGroupName # Default Azure Resource Group within the subscription for all jobs
type: string
default: ''
- name: storageAccountName # Required for AzurRM provider, the name of the storage account which contains the Azure Blob container selected below.
type: string
default: ''
- name: containerName # Required for AzurRM provider, the name of the Azure Blob container in which to store the Terraform remote state file.
type: string
default: ''
- name: deployPool # Default pool param for all deploy jobs
type: object
vmImage: 'ubuntu-18.04'
- name: checkout # Default checkout repository
type: string
default: self
# parameter defaults in the above section can be set on the manual run of a pipeline to override
- repository: templates # Resource identifier for template usage
type: github
name: fitchtech/AzurePipelines # This repository
ref: refs/tags/v1 # The tagged release of the repository
endpoint: GitHub # Azure Service Connection Name
- master # CI Trigger on commit to master
- v*.*.*-* # CI Trigger when tag matches format
# template: file path at repo resource id to extend from
template: stages.yaml@templates
# parameters: within stages.yaml@templates
# code: jobList inserted into code stage in stages
# build: jobList inserted into build stage in stages
# deploy: deploymentList inserted into deploy stage in stages param
# - for each deployment item in terraformDeployments parameter insert arm deployment job
- ${{ each deployment in parameters.terraformDeployments }}:
- ${{ if and(deployment.deployment, deployment.template, parameters.azureSubscription, parameters.resourceGroupName) }}:
- deployment: ${{ deployment.deployment }} # deployment name unique to stage
displayName: 'Deploy Terraform Template'
pool: ${{ parameters.deployPool }} # param passed to pool of deployment jobs
${{ if deployment.condition }}:
condition: ${{ deployment.condition }}
${{ if not(deployment.condition) }}:
condition: succeeded()
# variables:
# key: 'value' # pairs of variables scoped to this job
${{ if deployment.dependsOn }}:
dependsOn: ${{ deployment.dependsOn }}
${{ if not(deployment.dependsOn) }}:
dependsOn: []
- template: steps/deploy/terraformTemplate.yaml
# preSteps:
# - task: add preSteps into job
${{ each param in deployment }}:
${{ if in(param.key, 'azureSubscription', 'resourceGroupName', 'storageAccountName', 'containerName', 'workingDirectory', 'commands') }}:
${{ param.key }}: ${{ param.value }}
${{ if not(deployment.commands) }}:
commands: ${{ parameters.terraformCommands }}
${{ if and(not(deployment.azureSubscription), parameters.azureSubscription) }}:
azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.azureSubscription }} # Service connection to subscription for the resource group
${{ if and(not(deployment.resourceGroupName), parameters.resourceGroupName) }}:
resourceGroupName: ${{ parameters.resourceGroupName }} # RM Group name within subscription
${{ if and(not(deployment.storageAccountName), parameters.storageAccountName) }}:
storageAccountName: '${{ parameters.storageAccountName }}' # root path where Terraform templates are located
${{ if and(not(deployment.containerName), parameters.containerName) }}:
containerName: '${{ parameters.containerName }}' # root path where Terraform templates are located
${{ if and(not(deployment.workingDirectory), parameters.workingDirectory) }}:
workingDirectory: '${{ parameters.workingDirectory }}' # root path where Terraform templates are located
${{ if parameters.terraformVersion }}:
terraformVersion: ${{ parameters.terraformVersion }}
# postSteps:
# - task: add postSteps into job
# - deployment: insert additional deployment jobs into the deploy stage
# promote: deploymentList inserted into promote stage in stages param
# test: jobList inserted into test stage in stages param
# reject: deploymentList inserted into reject stage in stages param