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Releases: fivetran/dbt_ad_reporting

v1.12.0 dbt_ad_reporting

20 Feb 18:50
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Breaking Changes

Snapchat Ads

  • The dbt_snapchat_ads dependency has been updated to [">=0.8.0", "<0.9.0"]. These upstream versions introduce breaking changes. For details, refer to the dbt_snapchat_ads v0.8.0 release notes. (PR #133)
    • Added ad squad and campaign details to the snapchat_ads__ad_report model so they can fill snapchat ad fields int_ad_reporting__ad_report model. These details populate the following fields in ad_reporting__ad_report:
      • ad_squad_id corresponds to the ad_group_id value.
      • ad_squad_name corresponds to the ad_group_name value.
      • campaign_id and campaign_name have the equivalent values.

Under The Hood

  • Updated validation tests in the integration_tests folder to check for discrepancies between conversions and conversions_value. (PR #133)


  • Added Quickstart model counts to README. (PR #130)
  • Corrected references to connectors and connections in the README. (PR #130)
  • Updated the DECISIONLOG and README to include details about timezone differences across ad platforms. (PR #131)

Full Changelog: v1.11.0...v1.12.0

v1.11.0 dbt_ad_reporting

18 Dec 18:31
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Breaking Changes

LinkedIn Ads

  • The dbt_linkedin dependency has been updated to [">=0.10.0", "<0.11.0"], and the dbt_linkedin_source dependency has been updated to [">=0.10.0", "<0.11.0"]. These upstream versions introduce breaking changes. For details, refer to the dbt_linkedin_source v0.10.0 and dbt_linkedin v0.10.0 release notes. (PR #120)
    • Added the click_uri_type field to the following models. This field allows users to differentiate which click uri type (text_ad or spotlight) was used to populate the click_uri field.
      • stg_linkedin_ads__creative_history
      • linkedin_ads__creative_report
      • linkedin_ads__url_report
      • Note: Only text_ad and spotlight click URI types are supported. To request support for additional types, submit a Feature Request.
    • The click_uri field now populates values using a COALESCE of text_ad_landing_page, spotlight_landing_page, and click_uri. For details, refer to the dbt_linkedin_source v0.10.0 release notes. (PR #120)

TikTok Ads

  • The dbt_tiktok_ads dependency has been updated to [">=0.7.0", "<0.8.0"], and the dbt_tiktok_source dependency has been updated to [">=0.7.0", "<0.8.0"]. These upstream versions introduce breaking changes. For details, refer to the dbt_tiktok_ads_source v0.7.0 and dbt_tiktok_ads v0.7.0 release notes. (PR #127)
  • The age column in the ADGROUP_HISTORY table was renamed to age_groups in the July 2023 TikTok update. (PR #127)
    • Previously, the stg_tiktok_ads__ad_group_history model coalesced age and age_groups to handle legacy data. Due to incompatible data types (string and JSON), this coalesced field has been removed in favor of solely the age_groups column.
    • To populate historical data in the age_groups column, perform a resync of the ADGROUP_HISTORY table. TikTok provides all data regardless of the previous sync state.
    • For more details, see the Tiktok Ads DECISIONLOG.

Documentation Changes

  • Improved README structure by moving the Ad Reporting heading above the README tags and aligning it to the left. (PR #124)

Under the Hood

  • Added consistency validation tests for the following models to enhance integration testing (used internally by Fivetran maintainers) (PR #127):
    • ad_reporting__ad_report
    • ad_reporting__url_report


Full Changelog: v1.10.0...v1.11.0

v1.10.0 dbt_ad_reporting

20 Nov 16:25
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PR #122 introduces the following BREAKING CHANGES:

Feature Updates: Native Conversion Support

  • Added conversions and conversions_value fields to each Ad Reporting end model.
    • BREAKING: In the event that you were already including conversions through passthrough variables and called your field(s) conversions and/or conversions_value, your old fields will still be included, but they will be suffixed with a _c, while the new default conversion fields will take precedence as conversions and conversions_value
    • For some platforms, conversions data is sent along with the type of event the metrics are attributed to (ie purchases, leads, sign ups). We have largely chosen to consider purchases, leads, and custom-defined events to be conversions. However, you may configure this at each individual platform level for the following packages:
Platform Variable Default Values How to Use
Facebook Ads facebook_ads__conversion_action_types offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_custom + offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_lead + onsite_conversion.lead_grouped + offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_purchase + onsite_conversion.purchase Configuring Conversion Action Types
LinkedIn Ad Analytics linkedin_ads__conversion_fields external_website_conversions + one_click_leads Adding in Conversion Fields
Reddit Ads reddit_ads__conversion_event_types lead + purchase + custom Configure Conversion Event Types
Snapchat Ads snapchat_ads__conversion_fields conversion_purchases Configuring Conversion Fields
Twitter Ads twitter_ads__conversion_fields AND twitter_ads__conversion_sale_amount_fields conversion_purchases_metric + conversion_custom_metric AND conversion_purchases_sale_amount + conversion_custom_sale_amount Customizing Types of Conversions

Under the Hood

  • Created data validation tests to be used by package maintainers to verify this and future releases.


Full Changelog: v1.9.0...v1.10.0

v1.9.0 dbt_ad_reporting

30 Jul 20:25
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Under the Hood

  • Addition of an blank line between the quoted line and the comment.

Under the Hood

  • Addition of a section tag within the README so the model descriptions may be accessible within the Fivetran UI for Quickstart. (PR #113)
  • Upticked the google_ads and linkedin_ads dependencies following major releases in both packages in which conversion metrics have been added. Refer to the individual package release notes for more details (Google Ads, Linkedin Ads). (PR #115)
    • Note: Default conversions have not been added to ad_reporting models yet, as we are rolling out conversion support to all upstream Ad packages first.


Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v1.9.0

v1.8.0 dbt_ad_reporting

15 Jul 16:27
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PR #112 includes the following update:

Dependency Updates

  • Tiny update which upticks the microsoft_ads dependency following a recent major release. Refer to the Microsoft Ads v0.8.0 release notes for what exact updates have been included.

Full Changelog: v1.7.1...v1.8.0

v1.7.1 dbt_ad_reporting

30 Apr 20:14
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Bug Fixes

  • Adjust the severity of the account_id test in ad_reporting__account_report to warn. This is required since Snapchat can hard-delete records from the history tables, but not from the reporting tables. This ensures that accurate statistics are being reported and production pipelines aren't failing (PR #110).

Under the Hood

  • Updated the pull request templates (PR #110).
  • Included auto-releaser GitHub Actions workflow to automate future releases (PR #110).


Full Changelog: v1.7.0...v1.7.1

v1.7.0 dbt_ad_reporting

13 Oct 14:37
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PR #103 includes the following update.

Breaking changes

  • Identifiers for the following packages have been updated for consistency with the source name and compatibility with the union schema feature. See the package's changelog for a full list of changes.

  • Linkedin ads updates:

    • Updated materializations of dbt_linkedin non-tmp staging models from views to tables. This is to bring the materializations into alignment with other ad reporting packages and eliminate errors in Redshift.
    • Updated the name of the source created by dbt_linkedin_source from linkedin to linkedin_ads. This was to bring the naming used in this package in alignment with our other ad packages and for compatibility with the union schema feature. If you are using this source, you will need to update the name.

Feature update 🎉

Full Changelog: v1.6.1...v1.7.0

v1.6.1 dbt_ad_reporting

09 Oct 14:29
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  • Renames the semantic model from ad_reporting__ad_report --> ad_report in order to avoid the dunder(__) keyword. (PR #105)


Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.6.1

v1.6.0 dbt_ad_reporting

10 Aug 18:27
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PR #100 includes the following updates:

🚨 New dbt-core version requirement 🚨

  • Updated the metrics spec to reflect the new spec in dbt-core 1.6.0. As a result, the new required dbt version is [">=1.6.0", "<2.0.0"]. Be sure to upgrade your dbt-core version when upgrading this package to avoid dbt version compatibility errors.

Feature Updates

  • Added ad_reporting__ad_report.yml semantic model which is required to define metrics.
  • Included metricflow_time_spine.sql which is required by Metricflow. This will be deprecated in future releases. If you have already created a metricflow_time_spine.sql model in your project, you will need to disable it for this package by setting the variable ad_reporting__metricflow_time_spine_enabled to false in your project.
## root dbt_project.yml
  ad_reporting__metricflow_time_spine_enabled: false ## true by default

Under the Hood

  • Added a new variable dbt_date:time_zone which is used by the dbt_date.get_base_dates macro within the metricflow_time_spine model. This variable is nested under the ad_reporting hierarchy in the variables config and should not affect any global declarations if you leverage the dbt_date package in your own environment.
    • The default value of this variable is America/Los_Angeles, but you may be able override this in your own root project.
## root dbt_project.yml
  "dbt_date:time_zone": "America/Chicago" # Default is "America/Los_Angeles"


  • Please be aware that due to a bug in dbt-core v1.6.0 the docs were not regenerated as part of this release. You can expect a new release in the future with the regenerated docs that contain these updates.


Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.6.0

v1.5.0 dbt_ad_reporting

26 Jul 22:11
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🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨

PR #98 includes the following changes based on the underlying individual package upgrades:

Bug Fixes

  • Adding the correct variable name in ad_reporting__url_report for passthrough metrics. (PR #96)


Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0