BITSServer is a basic Python3 server for using the Windows Binary Intelligent Transfer Service protocol (BITS), supporting file upload and download from Windows clients using the built-in bitsadmin.exe
command-line tool, BitsTransfer
PowerShell module, or COM interface.
WARNING: BITSServer uses Python3's built-in http.server library and is NOT recommended for production.
git clone && cd BITSServer/
pip3 install .
BITSServer supports uploading/downloading any files from the working directory.
The server logs will write to bitsserver.log
You can run the server from the command line:
python3 -m bitsserver 80
Alternatively, build and run the docker container:
docker build --tag bitsserver .
docker run bitsserver -d -p 80:80 -v /tmp/bits:/app
In this example, we are mapping the local /tmp/bits
directory to the container's working directory (/app
), acting as our download/upload directory, and log destination.
On the client-side, create a transfer job using the BITS client of your choice. For instance, uploading a file to the server using bitsadmin.exe
bitsadmin /transfer <name> /upload http://<server>/<filename> <filepath>
Using PowerShell's BitsTransfer
module is another option
Import-Module BitsTransfer
Start-BitsTransfer -TransferType Upload -Source <filepath> -Destination http://<server>/<filename> -DisplayName <name>
These are simple examples. For custom client development, BITS jobs can be created and managed locally with the COM interface, or remotely with WinRM.