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Pedro Marques da Luz edited this page Jun 14, 2017 · 25 revisions

Scripting commands

/install installs a script from the local file system.
/scripts lists the names of all currently running scripts. The script name can be set with setName().
/uninstall <name> uninstalled the script with the given name.


The following script creates a custom “/dance” command that outputs “(>'-')> <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) (>'-')>” when typed.

setDescription('Type /dance have a Kirby dance');

send('hook_command', 'dance');

var dance = "(>'-')> <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) (>'-')>";
this.onMessage = function(e) {
  send(e.context, 'command', 'say', dance);
  propagate(e, 'none');

Also check out the auto_identify, which hides the user's NickServ password and automates identifying with NickServ.


Set the script's name


Send an event

send(opt_context, type, name, args...)

For example, the following code sends a command that emulates the user typing "hello world!".

send(context, 'command', 'say', 'hello world!')

See the events section for details on what value type and name can have.

Register to receive a notification on a certain event

send('hook_server', 'joined')

The first argument is the type of event (either hook_server, hook_message or hook_command). The second argument is the is the subtype of the event. For example, if the type is hook_command, then the subtype might be kick or msg.

Stop an event from being received by the client

propagate(receivedEvent, 'none')

Allow an Event to be received by the client

propagate(receivedEvent, 'all')

Note: propagate should be called every time an event is received

Save or load a JavaScript Object or primitive to/from sync storage

An item can be saved to storage with saveInStorage(item) and loaded with loadFromStorage().

After loadFromStorage() is called, an event with type "system" and name "loaded" will be fired. The first argument of the event is the loaded item, or undefined if there was nothing saved.

Note: It's important to call setName(<my_name>) before using sync storage. The script's name is used to uniquely identify it in storage.


To listen to events, define an onMessage function

onMessage = function (event) { // code here };

Events have the following fields

  • type is the kind of event (either “command”, “server” or “message”)
  • name is the name or subtype of the event (e.g. “kick”, “joined”, “nickinuse”)
  • context is where the event happened
    • server (e.g. “”)
    • channel (e.g. “#bash”)
  • args is a variable length array of any arguments (e.g. the text to print on /say)

There are four types of events

  • command represents an entered command (e.g. “/kick #sugarman”)
  • server represents server related activity (e.g. we connected to a server or got kicked from a room)
  • message represents anything that gets printed on the screen (e.g. the MOTD or a notice message)

For example, an event triggered by a private message being displayed might look like this:

event = {
  type: 'message',
  name: 'privmsg',
  context: {
    server: '',
    channel: '#circ'
  args: [
    'noah', // from
    'events are exciting!' // message

A full list of message events can be found in the _handlers object of irc_message_handler.

A full list of server events can be found in the onServerEvent() function of chat.

A full list of command events can be found in the _init function of user_command_handler.



Scripts are loaded for the first time from the local file system using chrome.fileSystem. Once a script is loaded it is saved to a persistent local storage and automatically loaded each time the program starts.


The script source code is passed to a sandboxed iframe, which calls eval(). This prevents the script from accessing the IRC window object and chrome.* APIs. Because the script runs in an iframe, it communicates with the application asynchronously using window.postMessage(). This complicates the code slightly, but has no effect on performance.

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