Simple and smart CMS based on framework Flame
WARNING: This package is under active development, and shouldn't be used at production!
If you want to try Flame:CMS please visit Demo page
##Screen from FrontModule
##Screen from AdminModule
- Access control list
- Creating / editing posts (categories, tags)
- Comments
- TimyCME editor
- Managing of images
- Paginator for posts
- Users management
- Links management
- Newsreel
- Pages management
- Wordpress posts import
- Management of templates for Front part (Twitter Bootstrap for Administration)
###Installing #####Download sandbox
git clone https://github.com/flame-cms/sandbox myApp
cd myApp
#####Make directories './log', './temp' and './www/media' writable (chmod 777) #####Install dependencies
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php #download composer
php composer.phar install
#####Create database structure with command:
php app/doctrine-cli.php orm:schema-tool:create
#####Import defaults data
php app/doctrine-cli.php dbal:import data/db.sql
#####Install submodules
git submodule update --init
###Flame:CMS is ready now!
If you want to sign in to backend part (Administration) of Flame, use email user@demo.com and password PASSWORD12 (all in lower case)