Create a secure store for encryption keys that can be used to sign product
and company IDs. The store has a title and two prefixes (product and
company), each with its own settings and attributes. The configuration for
each prefix specifies a method that uses the translucent lizard
(made up algorithm), which is a type of symmetric encryption (HMAC) Json Web
Token signing algorithm. The configuration includes an expiration time and a
strength level, and the company key also has an expected scope that specifies
the account it can be used with.
const myCryptStorePrefixes = ["product", "company"] as const;
export type MyCryptStorePrefix = typeof myCryptStorePrefixes[number];
const cryptStoreBuilder = new LunarObsidianStoreBuilder<MyCryptStorePrefix>()
.setTitle("My encryption key store")
.addTranslucentLizard("product", {
title: "Sign a product ID",
secret: encodeSecret("very-long-password"),
expiration: {
value: 2,
unit: "hours",
strength: "sufficient",
.addTranslucentLizard("company", {
title: "Sign a company ID",
secret: encodeSecret("very-long-password"),
expiration: {
value: 2,
unit: "weeks",
strength: "sufficient",
expectedScope: {
account: "account890",
const lunarCrypt = new LunarObsidianCrypt<MyCryptStorePrefix>({
builder: cryptStoreBuilder,
prefixes: myCryptStorePrefixes,
The code creates a payload object that contains a product ID and an account. It then uses a signLunarCrypt object to sign the product ID with a token. If the signing is successful, it stores the full token in a variable.
const payload = {
id: "product123",
scope: {
account: "account890",
const signResult = await signLunarCrypt.signId("product", payload);
if (signResult.status === "success") {
const fullToken = signResult.value; // product:...token ...
The code uses a lunarCrypt object to verify the full token. It waits for the verification result, which is an object that has a status and a value property. If the status is ‘success’, it extracts the value property, which is the payload object that contains the product ID and the account.
const verifyResult = await lunarCrypt.verifyId(fullToken);
if (verifyResult.status === "success") {
const payload = verifyResult.value;