The easiest way to encrypt your data with TypeScript on the server side
Foolproof encryption functions curated for business cases
- Simplify your encryption needs with a user-friendly library
- Choose the best encryption method for your scenario, such as signing ID, verifying data, or securing messages
- Avoid common encryption pitfalls with sensible defaults and best practices
- Leverage the power and security of JOSE JWT standards
A few examples of commands:
Sign a payload with just an identifier and get back a full token:
const signResult = await signLunarCrypt.signId('product', { id:
Verify a full token and get back a payload:
const verifyResult = await lunarCrypt.verifyId(fullToken);
- Code Maintenance 🔧
- Code Of Conduct
- Api for lunar-obsidian-crypt
- Contributing 👥 🚧
- Diagram for the code base 📐
- Vocabulary used in the code base 📖
- Architectural Decision Records 📝
- Contributors :busts_in_silhouette:
- Dependencies
- Glossary :book:
- Software engineering principles :gem:
- Overview of ecosystem :factory:
- Npm dependencies
- Usage
This package is ESM only.
yarn add lunar-obsidian-crypt