This package provides a set of visualization tools for segmentation. It is geared towards neuron segmentation, but many of the tools can be used for other segmentation problems as well.
This package requires you to have previously installed the FlavellBase.jl
, ImageDataIO.jl
, UNet2D.jl
, WormFeatureDetector.jl
, and SegmentationStats.jl
packages from the flavell-lab
github page, and that you have succesfully configured WebIO
if you're using this package's visualization tools with Jupyter. It is designed to interface with the pytorch-3dunet
package, also in the flavell-lab
github page.
Additionally, the example code provided here requires the ImageDataIO
package is loaded in the current Julia environment.
Before performing any other operations on an image, it is useful to crop out non-worm regions; this will speed up the subsequent operations, and can also improve UNet output:
crop_parameters = Dict()
cropping_errors = crop_rotate!(param_path, param, t_range, [ch_marker], crop_parameters, save_MIP=true)
The make_unet_input_h5
method can generate appropriately-weighted HDF5 files from raw NRRD data and labeled NRRD files:
make_unet_input_h5(param_path, path_nrrd_crop, t_range, ch_marker, get_basename)
These HDF5 files can then be fed as input to the UNet.
The display_predictions_3D
method can display the UNet's predictions in comparison with the raw and labeled data.
# load the data (say it's dataset 50)
raw, label, weight = load_training_set("/path/to/data/50.h5")
# load the UNet's predictions
predictions = load_predictions("/path/to/data/50_predictions.h5")
# display the predictions
# the order of plots will be raw data + label, weights + label, predictions + label, predictions vs label match
display_predictions_3D(raw, label, weight, [predictions])
After the UNet has been verified to be giving reasonable output, the next step is to turn the UNet's semantic segmentation into an instance segmentation. The instance_segmentation_watershed
function does this instance segmentation and outputs the result to various files, which can be used during later steps in elastix registration:
results, errors = instance_segmentation_watershed(param, param_path, nrrd_crop_dir, t_range, get_basename, save_centroid=true, save_signal=true, save_roi=true)
Assuming that you have successfully instance segmented the data, you can view the resulting ROIs, in comparison with the raw and predicted data, to ensure that instance segmentation was successful:
view_roi_3D(raw, predictions, img_roi)