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Releases: flavoi/diventi

Launch Release

15 Jan 00:01
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The first live version of Diventi is now released!

Tenth Beta Release

23 Oct 09:20
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Tenth Beta Release Pre-release


  • [feedbaks] Introduced a sign up page for private surveys
  • [packages] Introduced the packages app for the management of discounts and sales of products
  • [products] Introduced a games catalog page with pagination and filter features
  • [products] Introduced public products: a free content directly available to all users


  • [ckeditor] Installed CrateDiv plugin to expand the formatting capabilities of blog articles
  • [core] Updated the visual style of various icons on the top navbar
  • [accounts] Updated the projects collection for author users to display the authored products
  • [blog] Updated cards visual styles with new postcards and color categories
  • [blog] Integrated read time in article pills
  • [ebooks] Updated table of contents visual style
  • [ebooks] Enabled action cards in the public ebook page
  • [ebooks] Enabled related products section in the ebook detail page
  • [landing] Reorganized analytics page with separated titles and sections for each reporting object
  • [landing] Integrated the hot ebook link in the landing page
  • [landing] Integrated the hottest article in the landing page
  • [products] Refreshed cards visual style with new postcards and color categories
  • [landing] Refreshed the landing page sections visual style
  • [reviews] Updated stars icons style with clearer colors


  • [accounts] Removed collection from user's public page
  • [accounts] Removed the locked achievements from the user detail page
  • [adventures] Removed adventure legacy app
  • [landing] Removed an old form from the about article


  • [accounts] Fixed missing icons in registration forms
  • [blog] Fixed missing strings in the related articles section
  • [feedbacks] Fixed text alignment of the title in the survey page
  • [landing] Fixed a problem that prevented the admin to order of the content sections
  • [landing] Adjusted various spacing values of cards and buttons on the landing page
  • [locale] Corrected translations for the category tables
  • [locale] Fixed a problem that caused warning errors while compiling plural strings
  • [payments] Fixed a problem that prevented successful payments to be sent to stripe
  • [products] Fixed erroneous spacing between cards in the title section
  • [products] Fixed a problem that disrupted the ordering of cards in the games list page

Nineth beta release

19 Sep 21:21
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Nineth beta release Pre-release


  • [ebooks] Integrated Datatables with filter, ordering and pagination functionalities
  • [machina] Integrated open graph support for forum list and detail pages
  • [payments] Introduced a dedicated app for the management of stripe payments


  • [blog] Activated special badge for unpublished contents (for staff only)
  • [ebooks] Updated code blocks visual style
  • [ebooks] Updated Diventi Universale's engine to cope with 2021 dropbox API
  • [ebooks] Updated headings visual style for better readability
  • [landing] Activated special badge for unpublished contents (for staff only)
  • [landing] Moved the sign up link to the main navigation
  • [landing] Integrated featured section in navbar
  • [landing] Substituted sections attachments with a simplified news section
  • [products] Activated special badge for unpublished contents (for staff only)
  • [products] Changed products url prefix from 'apps' to 'games'
  • [products] Enabled early access tags for upcoming games
  • [products] Enabled layout option to optimize the visual style of landing page cards
  • [products] Adjusted button colors, aligned the title in the center
  • [survey] Activated special badge for unpublished contents (for staff only)


  • [core] Removed font awesome icons in favor of stock quick icons
  • [landing] Removed adventures links from the main navbar
  • [accounts] Removed the featured link in the account page
  • [tooltips] Removed the tooltip legacy functionality


  • [accounts] Fixed a problem that always redirected the user to the home page after signin in
  • [accounts] Fixed a problem that prevented the right projects count to be displayed on the profile modal
  • [accounts] Fixed a problem that enabled users to sign up without a valid email or gdpr preference
  • [accounts] Fixed locale strings in the privacy section
  • [ebooks] Fixed a problem that prevented paper adventures without Diventi Univerale to be rendered
  • [blog] Updated navbar logo visual style to match a colored background
  • [feedbacks] Fixed a problem that prevetend the confirmation email to be sent
  • [landing] Fixed a problem that caused the analytics links to jump at the top of the page
  • [landing] Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented the sign in button to be displayed.
  • [locale] Fixed a handful of fuzzy translations on products, policy and landing pages

Eight beta release

02 Sep 20:23
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Eight beta release Pre-release


  • Introduced adventures: a new experimental app that enables game master to play with Diventi's adventures
  • Introduced the Quick visual style across all core apps
  • [ebooks] Added 'new' and 'updated' badges for newly edited chapters
  • [ebooks] Added tooltip support for custom keywords
  • [landing] Added 'about' pages
  • [machina] Introduced machina: a new forum app for Diventi's subscribers
  • [products] Integrated stripe v3 to manage online payments
  • [tooltips] Introduced tooltips: a new app that integrates with ebook that displays piece on contents in a rich tooltip


  • [blog] Enabled category filters in the list page
  • [blog] Updated hot articles layout and visuals
  • [blog] Updated help text to clarify the use of the color field
  • [core] Updated navbar with grouped links
  • [core] Updated draft badge visual style
  • [core] Updated ckeditor buttons to include text alignment
  • [ebooks] Updated dropdown queries to be more efficient while fetching related books
  • [ebooks] Updated tables visual styles to make the more responsive
  • [ebooks] Enabled section descriptions to populated custom tooltips


  • [sheets] Removed unecessary files about this legacy app
  • [payments] Removed the payments app since it's been integrated in products'
  • [readme] Removed Creative Tim from the technology section


  • [accounts] Fixed avatars and covers image layout
  • [accounts] Fixed a translation string that corrupted the url of the settings page
  • [blog] Fixed a problem that prevented article plain cards to be displayed
  • [ebooks] Fixed a problem that prevented the cover image to be displayed in search results
  • [feedbacks] Fixed a problem that caused an incorrect layout in the answer form page
  • [products] Fixed product card icons size
  • [products] Fixed a problem that sometimes doubled the project items in the navbar


  • [core] Updated urllib from v0.17.0 to v0.18.0
  • [core] Updated django from v2.2.12 to v2.2.16
  • [core] Updated cryptography from v2.3.0 to v3.2.0

Seventh beta release

15 Feb 22:46
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Seventh beta release Pre-release


  • [core] Upgraded material kit from v2.1.1 to v2.2.0
  • [core] Upgraded django from v2.2.9 to v2.2.12
  • [core] Added support for Opengraph on blog, landing and product pages
  • [ebooks] Added support for chapter autocompletion based on book's titles in the admin page
  • [feedbacks] Introduced an email notification for the authors when a user completes a survey
  • [feedbacks] Introduced created and modified dates to answers
  • [landing] Introduced 'cards section': a new section template
  • [landing] Introduced 'search header': a new featured section template
  • [products] Added support for the reporting functionality


  • [accounts] Updated user collection in order to separate authored products from those bought
  • [core] Enabled callout visual styles for the ckeditor
  • [landing] Changed the ordering of search results to make products appear first
  • [landing] Updated dashboard visual styles with rounded buttons and card-styled sections
  • [products] Enabled product details and colors on detail page


  • [landing] Removed nav dropdowns from navbar
  • [sheets] Removed sheets app due to halted support


  • [accounts] Fixed color inconsistencies in user detail page
  • [feedbacks] Fixed a problem that displayed 'None' as username on question pages
  • [products] Fixed a problem that prevented the honeypot to be hidden
  • [products] Fixed a problem that displayed a product link even if the product is not published


  • [core] Upgraded pillow from v6.2.1 to v7.1.0

Sixth beta release

26 Dec 17:14
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Sixth beta release Pre-release


  • [ebooks] Introduced replacement rules to better adapt universal sections in any ebook
  • [landing] Introduced a new admin page for reporting purposes
  • [products] Introduced new actions in products admin page to lock or unlock items
  • [products] Introduced related products as new section in product detail page
  • [payments] Introduced payments: a new app that handles real money purchases with Stripe services


  • [accounts] Improved sizing of cards in collection page
  • [core] Updated ckeditor config with custom block styles
  • [ebooks] Updated table of contents with parts and chapters
  • [ebooks] Enabled sections' bookmarks
  • [products] The courtesy message is no longer a mandatory field
  • [products] Improved product page mobile responsiveness


  • [blog] Removed forced uppercase from article's label
  • [ebooks] Removed section templates and values


  • [ebooks] Fixed a problem that prevented the first section to appear
  • [ebooks] Fixed a problem that prevented a chapter image to display


Fifth beta release

26 Jul 07:02
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Fifth beta release Pre-release


  • Introduced sections: a landing model that enables easier customization of the landing page
  • Introduced ebooks: a new app that handles the digital content of a product with dynamic chapters, section and search
  • Introduced reviews: a new app that handles reviews for supported content
  • Upgraded django to v2.2.3


  • Enabled a published/draft badge next to publishable content for admin eyes only
  • Improved static files efficiency with deferred loading
  • Redesigned product page
  • Redesigned blog cards for the landing page


  • Removed latex requirements since it is now a depreated feature
  • Removed the presentatation module since it is now supplanted by sections
  • Removed the website logo from error pages
  • Removed imgur tags from the admin templates
  • Removed unecessary libraries from the comment app


  • Fixed a problem that made the product card point to one static page
  • Fixed a series of broken links in accounts' templates


  • Upgraded urllib3 to v1.25

Fourth beta release

23 Feb 08:00
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Fourth beta release Pre-release


  • Introduced homebrew: an experiental app to write papers
  • Introduced feedbacks: an app that automates the creation of surveys
  • Introduced a primary link dynamic field that pre-populated with featured objects accross the project.
  • Upgraded django to v2.1.
  • Upgraded icons to fontawesome v5.6.3
  • Upgrade material kit to v2.1.7


  • Enabled additional fieldsets for blog admin
  • Enabled dynamic cover support for about page
  • Enabled blog post preview for admins
  • Enabled products section in the landing page
  • Updated user report with buttons related to all users, gruped by language
  • Updated styles of product carousel
  • Updated styles for dropdowns on user page
  • Moved about page in the landing page
  • Moded authors' profile pictures to imgur


  • Removed generic feedback form and features
  • Removed homebrew app and latex related functionalities


  • Fixed an hidden label in the blog admin page
  • Fixed a blog hidden field that should be visible
  • Fixed a problem that made the survey page crash

Third beta release

29 May 17:27
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Third beta release Pre-release


  • Introduced a customization field that lets the user control his favourite language
  • Introduced a privacy section that lets the user control and delete its own data
  • Introduced a staff-only page that returns all subscribers emails
  • Introduced a password reset option in the login modal
  • Introduced shortcut links to send emails to subscribers
  • Introduced the about page with the summary of our project
  • Introduced maintenance mode for published products
  • Upgraded the development framework to django 2.1
  • Upgraded the icons to fontawesome 5.2


  • Enabled localization for product files
  • Enabled dev folder for development media files
  • Enabled asyncronous response to the privacy user form
  • Moved articles label to the bottom of the content section
  • Moved the feedback button from the navbar to the product page
  • Moved secret vars into a secret file in project root
  • Updated fontawesome host from aws to cdn
  • Updated error pages 403, 404 and 500 with translations and cleaner layout
  • Updated admin list display for users data
  • Enabled translation for users bio


  • Fixed a problem that caused user forms to fail badly
  • Fixed a problem that made the sign-in form to freeze at the blog page

Second beta release

23 Mar 09:46
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Second beta release Pre-release


  • Introduced users as searchable items
  • Introduced parallax effect in the landing, blog and product pages
  • Introduced acme utils for https support


  • Updated material kit pro assets to v2.0.3 with no demo dependances
  • Updated navbar background to dark and always fixed to the top


  • Removed logo image from the navbar


  • Fixed a problem that rendered a wrong width in the blog list page
  • Fixed footer positioning in the sign up page
  • Fixed the centering position of the login modal title