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Releases: fleetdm/fleet


14 Mar 20:45
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Fleet 4.65.0 (Mar 14, 2025)


  • Added UI for viewing certificate details on the host details and my device pages.
  • Added new features to include certificates in host vitals for macOS, iOS, and iPadOS.
  • Added the list host certificates (and list device's certificates) endpoints.
  • Improved the copy for the delete and transfer host modal to be more clear about the disk encryption key behavior.
  • Permit setting SSO metadata and metadata_url in gitops and UI.
  • Fixed an issue where the Show Query modal would truncate large queries.
  • Fixed Python for Windows software version mutation to avoid panics on software ingestion in some cases.
  • Prevented an invalid FLEET_VULNERABILITIES_MAX_CONCURRENCY value from causing deadlocks during vulnerability processing.
  • Updated default for vulnerabilities max concurrency from 5 to 1.
  • Updated CPE generation to more closely align with CPEs use in vulnerability feeds.
  • Changed software version CVE resolved in version parsing and comparison to use custom code rather than semver.
  • Added new (as of 2025-03-07) archives page to data source for MS Mac Office vulnerability feed (applies to vulnerabilities feed rather than a specific Fleet release).
  • Fixed an issue with Fleet's processing of Python versions to ensure that the correct CPEs are checked for vulnerabilities.
  • Fixed an issue with increased resource usage during vulnerabilities processing by adding database indexes.
  • Fixed false-positives on released PowerShell versions for CVE-2025-21171 and all PowerShell versions on CVE-2023-48795.


  • Implemented GitOps mode that locks settings in the UI that are managed by GitOps.
  • Allowed VPP apps to be automatically installed via a Fleet-created policy.
  • Added ability for users to automatically install App Store Apps without writing a policy in the Fleet UI.
  • Updated the UI for adding and editing software for a cleaner, cohesive experience.
  • Added auto-install to FMA via the API, replacing a more brittle client-side implementation.
  • Added pagination inside each of the Manage Automations modals for policies.
  • Added script execution to the new upcoming_activities table.
  • Added software installs to the new upcoming_activities table.
  • Added vpp apps installs to the new upcoming_activities table.
  • Updated the list upcoming activities endpoint to use the new upcoming_activities table as source of truth.
  • Added support to activate the next activity when one is enqueued or when one is completed.
  • Added UI to the BYOD enrollment page to support enrolling Android devices into Fleet MDM.
  • Added UI to turn on and off Android MDM.
  • Added Android MDM activities.

NOTE: Android features are currently experimental and disabled by default. To enable, set ANDROID_FEATURE_ENABLED=1.

  • Updated UI for device user page with improved instructions for turning on MDM.
  • Added PATCH /api/latest/fleet/software/titles/:id/name endpoint for cleaning up incorrect software titles for software that has a bundle ID.
  • Added a daily job that keeps the App Store app version displayed in Fleet in sync with the actual latest version.
  • Properly re-routed deleting a app on no team to no team software page insteal of all teams software page.
  • Added a DB migration to migrate existing pending activities to the new unified queue.
  • Added created_at timestamp for when a VPP app was added to a specific team.

NOTE: The database migration for the above hydrates timestamps for existing VPP app team associations based on when the associated VPP apps were first added to the database. To hydrate more accurate timestamps by pulling from VPP app add/edit activities, you can run the following query manually. It is not included in migrations as it requires full table scans of the activities table, which may result in long migration times.

UPDATE vpp_apps_teams vat
LEFT JOIN (SELECT MAX(created_at) added_at, details->>"$.app_store_id" adam_id, details->>"$.platform" platform, details->>"$.team_id" team_id
    	FROM activities WHERE activity_type = 'added_app_store_app' GROUP BY adam_id, platform, team_id) aa ON
	vat.global_or_team_id = aa.team_id AND vat.adam_id = aa.adam_id AND vat.platform = aa.platform
LEFT JOIN (SELECT MAX(created_at) edited_at, details->>"$.app_store_id" adam_id, details->>"$.platform" platform, details->>"$.team_id" team_id
		FROM activities WHERE activity_type = 'edited_app_store_app' GROUP BY adam_id, platform, team_id) ae ON
	vat.global_or_team_id = ae.team_id AND vat.adam_id = ae.adam_id AND vat.platform = ae.platform
SET vat.created_at = COALESCE(added_at, vat.created_at), vat.updated_at = COALESCE(edited_at, added_at, vat.updated_at);
  • Fixed an issue with assigning Windows MDM profiles to large numbers (> 65k) of hosts by batching the relevant database queries.
  • Fixed policy software automation that falsely reported success in UI when updates actually failed. Users will now be properly notified of failed automation saves.
  • Fixed a bug where uploading a macOS installer could prevent the software from being inventoried.
  • Fixed a bug where target selector was present in a premature stage.
  • Fixed a bug that caused macOS App Store apps to show up in Fleet as Windows apps if the Windows ersion of the app was already in Fleet.
  • Fixed an issue where the ABM token teams were being reset when making updates to the app config.
  • Fixed parsing of relative paths for MDM profiles in gitops no-team.yml.
  • Fixed a bug where new fleetd could not install software from old fleet server.
  • Fixed issue where fleetctl gitops was NOT deleting macOS setup experience bootstrap package and enrollment profile. GitOps should clear all settings that are not explicitly set in YAML config files.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Set collation and character set explicitly on database tables that were missing explicit values.
  • Updated the copy printed on successful runs of fleetctl package.
  • Enabled redis cluster follow redierctions by default.
  • Switched to a simpler, more reliable query for checking if an initial admin user has been added.
  • Updated the styling of the "Used by" line on host details page to be easier to read and include more data in the tooltip.
  • Added constistent behavior for table overflow and not hiding badges when user names overflow table cell.
  • Updated wine to version 10.0 to improve support macOS-to-Windows installer creation on M1 chips.
  • Updated UI to always show "Manage Automations" to permitted users.
  • Fixed clicking "Show details" to open the software details modal on the My device page.
  • Fixed an issue where link protection services would prematurely redeem MFA links.
  • Fixed several links that were dropping team_id parameters resetting team to all teams.
  • Fixed password authentication getting disabled when SMTP isn't configured.
  • Fixed an issue where restarting the desktop manager on Ubuntu would cause the Fleet Desktop tray icon to disappear and not return.

Fleet's agent

The following version of Fleet's agent (fleetd) support the latest changes to Fleet:

  1. orbit-v1.40.1
  2. fleet-desktop-v1.40.1 (included with Orbit)
  3. fleetd-chrome-v1.3.1

While newer versions of fleetd still function with older versions of the Fleet server (and vice versa), Fleet does not actively test these scenarios and some newer features won't be available.


Please visit our update guide for upgrade instructions.


Documentation for Fleet is available at

Binary Checksum


bcba43ca75ecd2ae6ea909ea947dfef61df4c22fb0ad0c72782bfe003140d2bb  fleet_v4.65.0_linux.tar.gz
8359af5b95acff2ac0b1124fe167c6a46144c1a73679827c0bd497c51bf3a0a6  fleetctl_v4.65.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
71313864e43d2071e6036a6b6f483859484b9cc5fc4606916356676a821223e2  fleetctl_v4.65.0_linux_arm64.tar.gz
207680c4559b3c26bfa31b0d5d38ce277597b8e719e8d4c707a845e71049ee0e  fleetctl_v4.65.0_macos.tar.gz
ec21ef7ab53702919b70abd71124a2cf1765084e1d632f6e99b67df707dcd8d3  fleetctl_v4.65.0_windows_amd64.tar.gz
41cb3774a6743719605b2672ff0842ae8ae530a54e64b57313421804e2a13cfc  fleetctl_v4.65.0_windows_arm64.tar.gz


06 Mar 01:01
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Bug fixes

  • Improve validation handling.


Please visit our update guide for upgrade instructions.


Documentation for Fleet is available at

Binary Checksum


cac462eeae5f056b1c04325e95416faae9c414ed969dd2176a5b2c6604f07ddb  fleet_v4.58.1_linux.tar.gz
392e3f10a3ad16ed3633eb424a659ccde776383d79a9be03a182db60306b6b6f  fleetctl_v4.58.1_linux.tar.gz
03aeeee0261aa1b95730dba8191f69d413c7782b50bd625d7d5430eeb0040ac2  fleetctl_v4.58.1_macos.tar.gz
c334747b1398838f351021b6c3858df46ba34a0ee95fa337412ed8af58fe28b2  fleetctl_v4.58.1_windows.tar.gz


06 Mar 22:16
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Bug fixes

  • Improve validation handling.


Please visit our update guide for upgrade instructions.


Documentation for Fleet is available at

Binary Checksum


3a70668581fdec15ad2f04b002d3297cb850fd53806e20194d54f79adad64d0c  fleet_v4.53.2_linux.tar.gz
5a2f5d987d5765544aece56d6eb57c536738410ce762c6c91ba658ff54413093  fleetctl_v4.53.2_linux.tar.gz
ba87c66fa0ad56480dd1c1aac2aef29b819b0dc0891871565f5f481669dedadb  fleetctl_v4.53.2_macos.tar.gz
3fd4d383b3737be79e4f92ab33b97067208cfe8dc593c8a2e672efc8b0051bff  fleetctl_v4.53.2_windows.tar.gz


05 Mar 16:50
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Bug fixes

  • Improve validation handling.


Please visit our update guide for upgrade instructions.


Documentation for Fleet is available at

Binary Checksum


39c5b41253292eca48a4d0e95418a2436af7b2a0c92c0a862f4f59af060a7ef2  fleet_v4.64.2_linux.tar.gz
6c1c6880395a476702f847928eea0c290cd50c50241b07872a29c6f7ca2e1f9c  fleetctl_v4.64.2_linux.tar.gz
b764770f606a3b2f4771194f026f867ea566dae24b9d9372fb144fc313ca04f7  fleetctl_v4.64.2_linux_arm64.tar.gz
1352b1c9ad8cafe45fe27433d1fa276d560fafaecfaf9510e218975c31c670ae  fleetctl_v4.64.2_macos.tar.gz
4e8000a01a8a37ae89ed7f4f49c92e27e7f4e70f59e309da878fcbb9b215018f  fleetctl_v4.64.2_windows.tar.gz
14f40dce21158ab4a8921763a2fd1c81fc4eb6b6d074462277d9537aa3ec12f8  fleetctl_v4.64.2_windows_arm64.tar.gz


05 Mar 19:12
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Bug fixes

  • Improve validation handling.


Please visit our update guide for upgrade instructions.


Documentation for Fleet is available at

Binary Checksum


1e7d215b71845055592f7dc0d1879cfe90780264a894a077c4f33c2eef0534ea  fleet_v4.63.2_linux.tar.gz
f61d56bc8f3da2983560e529f3df144f211cad26078ff13e059b2a365d42e0a4  fleetctl_v4.63.2_linux.tar.gz
eb0b90f616f1987bef9223c14e512ae0fd0a03aac921a2ebd74c901445901412  fleetctl_v4.63.2_macos.tar.gz
2a11995eef0f82fa5c164660694f4e8a813f0ea9b4e64cc21f032f69dcb097b5  fleetctl_v4.63.2_windows.tar.gz


05 Mar 22:16
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Bug fixes

  • Improve validation handling.


Please visit our update guide for upgrade instructions.


Documentation for Fleet is available at

Binary Checksum


05417e9b44b6f7df8911af2e650ddae20223c02f01dd0d907afa2d32556ad8ab  fleet_v4.62.4_linux.tar.gz
ef342f465b0c22c296282a9fa2f8adb8a237e8540cf6ebda0b62f5040537e714  fleetctl_v4.62.4_linux.tar.gz
95cd77580fa99440607530f4f266d7d2e4fa35d5c6cab3a585889b2ef7b9567f  fleetctl_v4.62.4_macos.tar.gz
7b7c23ff1e70dab192cc3608669e5a89239f9f4a6eedaad91af161c389081f48  fleetctl_v4.62.4_windows.tar.gz


20 Feb 21:54
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the ABM token teams were being reset when making updates to the app config.


Please visit our update guide for upgrade instructions.


Documentation for Fleet is available at

Binary Checksum


26474e75e73c8eceee6ec15002432afda7f0dc8f8afba288fa96cfb167c15a58  fleet_v4.64.1_linux.tar.gz
2922517a56340b576b78d7a666d7e739e6b37ad0d9d7ee7b3bda9cc122b94f86  fleetctl_v4.64.1_linux.tar.gz
b9123b8d8e2571cecb562b563f2abc98624c8cee3bdc74a2405216745b837550  fleetctl_v4.64.1_linux_arm64.tar.gz
f01c0ffc91d9610f09986f22d5e40ea8c64470cf6e7ea0c3f84557c3b7e9ee92  fleetctl_v4.64.1_macos_all.tar.gz
ea2a569f69386a4aed1e99286e95f3162782acf126d18bd8ad4f61f313a6b2f2  fleetctl_v4.64.1_windows_amd64.tar.gz
0b8ac6b983be92592080dbd686754b63b9d278d3b26cbc3d205b87d6e4372992  fleetctl_v4.64.1_windows_arm64.tar.gz


20 Feb 04:52
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the abm token teams were being reset when making updates to the app config


Please visit our update guide for upgrade instructions.


Documentation for Fleet is available at

Binary Checksum


de7dd03cc020116b20dcefa8702b21fefff60cc04f4eeb68be4ca69461245c2c  fleet_v4.63.1_linux.tar.gz
6e48ae58ef3ffdf4dc54d46df84503d1645ef99d701448b072cf224f29ed64e8  fleetctl_v4.63.1_linux.tar.gz
c98bf40e8b8c40f45bf99f83fdac35f6a5fab7ba666e5241afd74f5a11aab0cd  fleetctl_v4.63.1_macos.tar.gz
d0750ca4fb486789bd7348bf45913c58cc9814ede9e4a791292cddea359b86c5  fleetctl_v4.63.1_windows.tar.gz


18 Feb 22:38
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Fleet 4.64.0 (Feb 18, 2025)

Device management (MDM)

  • Included current host status and pending action in lock, unlock, and wipe API calls.
  • Disk encryption keys are now archived when they are created or updated. They are never fully deleted from the database.
  • Hosts that are restored from ABM no longer have old activities in their feed.


  • Added bash interpreter support for script execution.
  • Updated the activities feed with new design.
  • Added fleetctl on Linux ARM binary to releases.
  • Added clearer error states to metadata-related fields in the SSO settings form.
  • Enforced consistency of on-click behavior of table rows.
  • Added gzip compression for static CSS and JS assets to decrease bundle download times.
  • Added API endpoint for updating script contents.
  • Implemented various UI improvements to the scripts list.
  • Added option to populate users and labels on list hosts endpoint.
  • Checked the server for validity of any Fleet invites on load.
  • Updateed user form validation to require a password be present when switching a user from SSO to password authentication.
  • Updated the way new manual labels are created to better support adding large numbers of hosts at one time.
  • Replaced "Include Fleet desktop" with host type radio selection buttons when adding Windows or Linux hosts.
  • Disabled webhooks if not present in gitops.


  • Added ability to target app store apps with include/exclude labels.
  • Added ability to edit targets or self service option for app store apps.
  • Added details modal for add, edit, and delete app store app global activities.
  • Added modal to edit script contents.
  • Added download url for fleet maintained apps as url property on fleet/software/fleet_maintained_apps/:id.
  • Added "exclude_fleet_maintained_apps" option to GET /api/v1/fleet/software/titles.
  • Surfaced download URL for Fleet-maintained app when adding the software to Fleet.
  • Surfaced cleaner errors when adding Fleet-maintained apps.
  • Revised software installer package validation to mark installers with no version as "unknown" for version rather than rejecting them.
  • Resolved false negatives on vulnerabilities for IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition on Windows.
  • Resolved false-positives for the pass Homebrew package and jira Python package via a vulnerability feed update available to all Fleet versions on 2025-01-22.
  • Fixed a false negative vulnerability reporting for iTerm2 (available to all recent Fleet releases as of January 17th via a vulnerability feed update).

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Removed duplicate Linux lock and wipe scripts from repository.
  • Clarified text on the policies and queries pages when no policies/queries exist for the selected team (or All Teams).
  • Updated the help text for 3 tabs of the Add hosts modal.
  • Improved the look and feel of dropdowns in the UI.
  • Improved look and feel of dashboard host count cards including hiding platforms with 0 count.
  • Added util wrapper func around semver package to allow for custom preprocessing. Upgraded semver library to 3.3.1 and usage everywhere to version 3.
  • Added link to information about installing fleetd when packages are generated.
  • Optimized software ingestion queries to use existing DB indexes in the software titles table.
  • Normalized padding spacing for list headers, lists, and help text across various modals.
  • Removed the resend button for failed windows disk encryption profiles and add messaging that tells the user that Fleet with automatically retry this profile again.
  • Refactored upstream error logic to allow disabling submit button when form errors are present.
  • Improved the verified and verifying tooltips on the Profile Status on OS settings page.
  • Improved settings context so that user's updates to the team agent options form when they navigate away and back again.
  • Improved the teams dropdown so that it gracefully hides overflow from long team names.
  • Updated the os settings Target form deadline input tooltip to make it more clear how the deadline works for hosts.
  • Updated language in query comppatibility tooltip to clarify that compatibility is based only on tables.
  • Optimized logging by ensuring illegal argument errors will no longer be logged at the ERROR level on the server. Since these are client errors, they will be logged at the DEBUG level instead. This will reduce the amount of noise in the server logs and help debugging other issues.
  • Raised the frequency of sending anonymous statistics from every 24 hours to every 1 hour.
  • Bumped Node.js version to 20.18.1.
  • Bumped github cache action to 4.2.0.
  • Added server debug logging for unexpected Apple DDM configuration status.
  • Removed fleetctl binary from the fleetdm/fleet docker image.
  • Removed erroneous "manage automations" link on dashboard for maintainers.
  • Fixed window profiles error message being cut off in the OS settings modal.
  • Fixed user page responsiveness to not overflow horizontally.
  • Fixed case consistency for "Disk encryption" in host OS settings modal.
  • Fixed styling for manage automation buttons and dropdown.
  • Fixed a bug where query reports where not being recorded for hosts configured with --logger_snapshot_event_type=true.
  • Fixed incorrect source value in device mapping REST API documentation.
  • Fixed a bug in Fleet's handling of VPP token renewal requests.
  • Fixed mail being sent with the incorrect SMTP Domain (thank you @mccormickt).
  • Fixed filtering by vulnerable software for ios or ipad host.
  • Fixed issue where some Windows MDM profiles were not being sent to hosts when hosts came back online.
  • Fixed a bug where adding or removing a host with an identical name to/from a label caused the same action to be performed on other host(s) with the same name as well.
  • Fixed Windows MDM issue where SessionID of 0 was not allowed.
  • Fixed a bug with paginating team policies.
  • Fixed a bug "software not found for checksum" in software ingestion transaction retries.
  • Fixed issue with Windows disk encryption where status updates from "Verifying" to "Verified" were sometimes stuck in the "Verifying" state.
  • Fixed a bug where server errors returned from the API were not successfully being incorporated into the user form error states.
  • Fixed a bug where team admins are unable to enable or disable MFA for a user.
  • Fixed a bug where only the first of multiple software titles with the same name and source but different bundle IDs would be successfully inserted into the database.
  • Fixed issue verifying Windows CSP profiles that contain ADMX policies.

Fleet's agent

The following version of Fleet's agent (fleetd) support the latest changes to Fleet:

  1. orbit-v1.39.1
  2. fleet-desktop-v1.39.1 (included with Orbit)
  3. fleetd-chrome-v1.3.1

While newer versions of fleetd still function with older versions of the Fleet server (and vice versa), Fleet does not actively test these scenarios and some newer features won't be available.


Please visit our update guide for upgrade instructions.


Documentation for Fleet is available at

Binary Checksum


51a811aaabbee948566e60a7521d4f9575be7625e8f3f0c730bb5eaa7603c4cb  fleet_v4.64.0_linux.tar.gz
3c28599271ae296c3d4f027ff71576d2ca0b8ceb8b3a79f7c9411fb9d786af5e  fleetctl_v4.64.0_linux.tar.gz
9dd40e358a2e964b1d7768fde0898f3dfc10004895478d8cec2b91be0a5fc5c1  fleetctl_v4.64.0_linux_arm64.tar.gz
2cc53904097a7916e9712417b611c1e3fc43be4fab4ff0819d8e0ee4e9770032  fleetctl_v4.64.0_macos.tar.gz
935e797b12becaabb66deb818d04f60efd2a81e474e6522ebece8e8111fa8bc7  fleetctl_v4.64.0_windows.tar.gz
08512fa9d118d00b02abb28ea02359d425c7827dadafeb9c922ab6f6c5da61e8  fleetctl_v4.64.0_windows_arm64.tar.gz


04 Feb 15:56
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Fleet 4.63.0 (Feb 04, 2025)

Device management (MDM)

  • Allowed the delivery of bootstrap packages and software installers using signed URLs from CloudFront CDN. To enable, configured the following server settings:
    • s3_software_installers_cloudfront_url
    • s3_software_installers_cloudfront_url_signing_public_key_id
    • s3_software_installers_cloudfront_url_signing_private_key
  • Downgraded the expected or common "BootstrapPackage not found" server error to a debug message. This occurred when the UI or API checked if a bootstrap package existed.
  • Removed the arrow icon from the MDM solution table on the dashboard page.


  • Added the ability to install VPP apps on policy failure.
  • Implemented user-level settings and used them to persist a user's selection of which columns to display on the hosts table.
  • Included a host's team-level queries when the user selected a query to target a specific host via the host details page.
  • Included osquery pre-releases in the daily UI constant update GitHub Actions job.
  • Displayed the correct path for agent options when a key was placed in the wrong object.
  • When running a live query from the edit query form, considered the results of the run in calculating an existing query's performance impact if the user did not change the query from the stored version.
  • Improved the validation workflow on the SMTP settings page.
  • Clarified the expected behavior of policy host counts, dashboard controls software count, and controls OS updates versions count.
  • Rendered the default empty value when a host had no UUID.
  • Used an email logo compatible with dark modes.
  • Improved readability of the success message on email update by never including the sender address.


  • Added the ability to install VPP apps on policy failure.
  • Allowed filtering of titles by "any of these platforms" in GET /api/v1/fleet/software/titles.
  • Added VPP apps to the automatic installation dropdown for failed policies and included auto-install information on the VPP app details page.
  • Updated Fleet-maintained app install scripts for non-PKG-based installers to allow the apps to be installed over an existing installation.
  • Clarified that editing VPP teams would remove App Store apps available to the team, not uninstall apps from hosts.
  • Pushed the correct paths to the URL on the "My device" page when self-service was not enabled for the host.
  • Displayed command line installation instructions when a package was generated.
  • Added a fallback for extracting the app name from .pkg installers that had default or incorrect title attributes in their distribution file.
  • Stopped VPP apps from being removed from teams whenever the VPP token team assignment was updated.
  • Improved software installation for failed policies by adding platform-specific filtering in the software dropdown so that only compatible software was displayed based on each policy's targeted platforms.
  • Added a timestamp for the software, OS, and vulnerability detail pages for the host count last update time.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed an issue where the vulnerabilities cron failed in large environments due to large SQL queries.
  • Fixed two broken links in the setup experience.
  • Fixed a UI bug on the "My device" page where the "Software" tab included filter elements that did not match the expected design.
  • Fixed a UI bug on the "Controls" page where incorrect timestamp information was displayed while the "Current versions" table was loading.
  • Fixed an issue for batch upload of Apple DDM profiles with fleetctl gitops where the activity feed showed a change even when profiles did not actually change.
  • Fixed a software name overflow in various modals.
  • Fixed form validation behavior on the SSO settings form.
  • Fixed MSI parsing for packages that included long interned strings (e.g., licenses for the OpenVPN Connect installer).
  • Fixed a software actions dropdown styling bug.
  • Fixed an issue where identical MDM commands were sent twice to the same device when the replica database was being used.
  • Fixed a redirect when clicking on any column in the Fleet Maintained Apps table.
  • Fixed an issue where deleted Apple config profiles were installed on devices because the devices were offline when the profile was added.
  • Fixed a CVE-2024-10327 false positive on Fleet-supported platforms (the vulnerability was iOS-only and iOS vulnerability checking was not supported).
  • Fixed missing capabilities in the UI for team admins when creating or editing a user by exposing more information from the API for team admins.

Fleet's agent

The following version of Fleet's agent (fleetd) support the latest changes to Fleet:

  1. orbit-v1.38.1
  2. fleet-desktop-v1.38.1 (included with Orbit)
  3. fleetd-chrome-v1.3.1

While newer versions of fleetd still function with older versions of the Fleet server (and vice versa), Fleet does not actively test these scenarios and some newer features won't be available.


Please visit our update guide for upgrade instructions.


Documentation for Fleet is available at

Binary Checksum


f12474fc401d1c707ee5872d63cf7ffff4e8935d01e381b14ce8f6ec0e581981  fleet_v4.63.0_linux.tar.gz
67e3a087c68dd19fa8db1a59749892b19d6e5a48e8eecf78ab0c3039760f2d1f  fleetctl_v4.63.0_linux.tar.gz
254c59d6f32b5ac7a8978b9e1f33c55c3cbc3cae8892aa2b5b9475f2b419fa3a  fleetctl_v4.63.0_macos.tar.gz
2543c06b02a4d73dcf0ccf97b0bba33f61a3e85d940d2777f1cff62d92d44ec7  fleetctl_v4.63.0_windows.tar.gz